martes, 16 de julio de 2024, 16:06
Sitio: OpenMoodle
Curso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glosario: WORK & LEISURE

somebody`s stamping ground

miesto, kde niekto trávi veľa času

1. A leading centre of kersey manufacture, Newbury had been the stamping ground of the celebrated John Winchcombe until his death as recently as 1519. BNC

2. But he could always get work in good old BBC radio: that was his stamping ground. BNC

3. Like Banquo's ghost her figure would be seen haunting her old stamping ground. BNC

spec sheet (specification sheet)

technická listina, specifikace výrobku

spin off

spin off - vyrábět ve vedlejší produkci; odmotat, odtočit
Control Data Corp last week announced plans to spin off its computer systems arm into a new company , Control Data Systems Inc , and rename the software and computer services rump of the company Ceridian Corp .

spread yourself too thin

robiť veľa vecí naraz, no žiadnu poriadne

1. If one tries to help every industry, you spread yourself too thin. BNC

2. If you decide to get as much clients as possible, there is risk that you will
spread yourself too thin that the quality of your work eventually suffers. Google

3. I realised I`d been spreading myself too thin so I resigned as secretary of the golf club. CIDoI


zaměstnanci podniku, personál

The new manager will be joining the staff in November

staff appraisals

staff assessment

staff recruitment

nábor/ přijímání (nového) personálu/ zaměstnanců

Why is there a need for staff recruitment companies?

stand down

stand down - odstoupit, rezignovat
As part of the deal Mr de Ferranti agreed to stand down in favour of Sir Derek and to allow James Guerin , International Signal 's founder , to come on to the board as deputy chairman.

stand on your own two feet

stáť na vlastných nohách, byť samostatný

1. She'll have to get a job and learn to stand on her own two feet sooner or later.Google

2. How Can They "Stand On Their Own Two Feet" If You Never Show Them How? Google

3. I`ve supported those children long enough - it`s time they learned to stand on their own two feet. CIDoI

stand the pace

pracovať pod tlakom

1. Those who could stand the pace flourished; those who could not went to the wall. BNC

2. I remember one lad, Nobby Clark, who could not stand the pace. BNC

3. If he can`t stand the pace he shouldn`t be doing the job - it`s as simple as that. CIDoI

step aside

step aside - odstoupit, rezignovat, odejít z funkce
Many would prefer to see Clough step aside in favour of a younger man .

step into somebody`s shoes

nastúpiť po niekom na jeho miesto

1. Last time she was the agent for the then-MP, Mr Ian Wrigglesworth, and she was more than willing to step into his shoes. BNC

2. He had come into his earldom only two years ago, very shortly after the scandal which had sent Dunbar storming over the border into England in dudgeon, and asking for a safe-conduct to King Henry's court; for the old earl had died very soon after the coup on which he had staked so much, leaving this new Archibald Douglas to step into his shoes. BNC

3. When his father retires, Victor will be ready to step into his shoes. CIDoI

step into the breach

za niekoho zastúpiť

1. If the South African option were withdrawn then Tozzi feels that Argentina are more than equipped to step into the breach. BNC

2. He proved incapable of meeting the financial demands of this last office, and his predecessor Sir William Russell  had to step into the breach and ultimately replaced him in 1630. BNC

3. Perhaps you'll prove it to this witless fellow who's been so slow to show his appreciation of your willingness to step into the breach caused by Stella's illness. BNC

strike a deal

reach a deal, sign a contract

strike gold


1. Today's wave of experiments has no such rulebook: anybody with a good idea can try it out, and perhaps strike gold. BNC

2. Writers often strike gold this way. BNC

3. Some investors have struck gold investing in airlines. CIDoI