úterý, 16. července 2024, 17.27
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: Town & Country

street sweeper


1. Charlie has taken a street sweeper's job to earn the money to pay off the cruel landlord who would otherwise put a blind girl and her mother out onto the streets. (BNC)

2. The English representative on the board asked her whether she'd like to work for the company in Switzerland, as resident copywriter. She replied: `No, thank you. I'd rather be a street sweeper.' (BNC)

3. Whether you are a king or a street sweeper, we all have to dance with the Grim Reaper, (...) (BNC)

strewn with litter

posetý odpadky

Places that are strewn with litter and rotting rubbish attract vermin and disease. (Google)

The route from the Henley College into the town is strewn with litter. (Google)

Some streets are completely strewn with litter, no matter how often clean up crews come by or police drive by. (Google)

stubble field


1. There is a little wood to one side of the lawn, and a large stubble field to the other. (BNC)

2. The stubble field had more poppy plants per unit of area, more plants flowering, and more bare ground than the old field. (Google)

3. Spring harrowing is less effective than in autumn due to remaining straw in the stubble field. (Google)

sweet corn


1. Sweet corn grows best when planted in several short rows instead of one long row. (Google)

2. Injury to sweet corn from hail storms is always a possibility. (Google)

3. Eating sweet corn is one of the great joys of summer. (Google)

swimming pool

plovárna, bazén

1. For initial lessons students go to a swimming pool in York. (BNC)

2. Every town in Iceland has a swimming pool, usually geothermally heated and part of social normality. (BNC)

3. He loved the swimming pool, revelled in the spacious gardens, and enjoyed the fact that other little ones were staying there. (BNC)