utorok, 16 júla 2024, 16:52
Portál: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

street vendors

pouliční prodavači

1. Street-vendors can easily ruin your holiday, especially if this is your first time to Bali and are unaccustomed to these strong sales tactics. WebC

2. Paris is filled with street vendors. Some of them are legal, some aren’t. WebC

3. Street vendors must obtain a municipal license certificate which will indicate the specific vending category for their respective businesses. WebC

stuffy feeling

pocit zatuchlosti, nedostatku vzduchu

1. Air-conditioning in all the rooms ensures you avoid that stuffy feeling. WebC

2. Everytime I smoke, my nose itches and gets all stuffy feeling. WebC

3. It can also ease the stuffy feeling in the chest or the pain in the stomach and liver due to the irregular flow of energy. WebC

suffer an invasion

zažít vpád, invazi

1. If we were to suffer an invasion of disease or pests that I couldn't fight organically, I would use whatever means I had to, to save our plants.  WebC

2.  However, if you send your entire army to war, then your homeland could suffer an invasion or it may experience a revolt. WebC

3. Saddam Hussein may be a turd, but he's their turd, and they're not likely to suffer an invasion gladly just to get rid of him. WebC

superb cuisine

výborná kuchyně

1. Special features include the exquisite bush setting, supreme standards of comfort, superb cuisine, tasteful interiors and indigenous gardens. WebC

2. With superb cuisine and the hospitality of the gracious staff you just may find yourself saying “Ciao Bella” as you leave this fine establishment. WebC

3. Six years ago the building was converted into an hotel where the accent is on gracious living, superb cuisine and a perfect hideaway for those seeking privacy. WebC