úterý, 16. července 2024, 17.52
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLIMATE

stormy sea

rozbouřené moře

He seemed to regard the New Testament as a stormy sea in which he was tossed about in a little boat as he explored. BNC

Others have told me that it shows an old woman sitting looking out on a stormy sea from a tranquil cottage garden. BNC

They rose unchallenged, like black rocks in a stormy sea. BNC

struck by lightning

zasažen bleskem

In the past it was thought that the chance of having a glider struck by lightning in cloud was negligible. BNC

An eloquent man called Marcus fretted about bombs, turbulence, being struck by lightning and ageing planes. BNC

Travelling home one night in a violent storm, Polly was struck by lightning and had to be destroyed. BNC

stuffy room

dusná místnost

Although both dogs had grown quiet and drowsy in the stuffy room, they immediately struggled to their feet with a rattle of chains and a whined greeting. BNC

Rather than stay in a stuffy room we decided to carry on with our lessons out of sight of the road in the back garden, which was more distracting but more pleasant. BNC

She seemed to be pushing her enormous frame closer to his, as he tried to extricate himself from the small stuffy room which had begun to give him claustrophobia. BNC

sultry weather

parné počasí

In deep darkness and sultry weather numerous yellow flames were observed which were about as large as a match. WebCorp

Hot and sultry weather continued today over most of Texas with record high and record high minimum temperatures being set in seven Texas cities. WerbCorp

Moist, easterly flow from the Coral Sea onto the Queensland coast causes very warm, humid and sultry weather east of the Great Dividing Range. WebCorp


zalitý sluncem

We spent the entire holiday lying on the sun-drenched beaches at the south end of the island.CALD

Tenerife has an excellent all year round climate, especially on its sun-drenched southern coast, where many of the island's superb, modern resorts are situated. BNC

You can take a cruise down the Nile, fly off to sun-drenched Barbados or choose any holiday you wish. BNC


sluneční paprsek

A thistledown floated into the bright phallus of the sunbeam and hovered over his face. BNC

 Little flecks of gold whirled around him in the air, like motes in a sunbeam.  BNC

And the hump-backed blueness behind her spread a flat sheet of flesh as the first sunbeam touched it in the valley of shadow. BNC


úžeh, úpal

Someone who is suffering from sunstroke feels dizzy and has a high temperature, but does not sweat.CALD

At first doctors believed he was suffering from little more than sunstroke. BNC

Midday temperatures can be high and the major causes of chick mortality are sunstroke and overheating. BNC