martes, 16 de julio de 2024, 16:51
Sitio: OpenMoodle
Curso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glosario: MEDIA

subscribe to st

- předplatit si něco

1. We hope we will continue to deserve your attention and we wish to subscribe to your monthly New Internationalist magazine for a year. BNC

2. For example, ordering goods from a mail order catalogue or subscribing to a magazine both mean that you disclose personal information about yourself. BNC

3. They usually have their own personal computers, they need to subscribe to technical journals and pay for (relatively expensive) training and familiarisation courses in order to update their skills, their work tends to be spread over a wider geographical area and the need for a car is greater. BNC

sue sb for libel

- žalovat koho pro urážku na cti

1. Counsel suggests that if municipal corporations have the right to sue for libel this right would give municipalities the power to suppress legitimate and proper criticism by threats of legal proceedings. BNC

2. It seems never to have been doubted that a corporation created by Royal Charter can sue for libel. BNC

3. One MP was sued for alleged libel in June 1978 over a jibe in the supporters. Wasps

sued for st

- žalován pro něco

1. Film star Whoopi Goldberg is being sued for £130m by another actress who claims she stole the idea for her hit film Sister Act. BNC

2. It is rather as if a burglar, when sued for the recovery of the stolen property or its value, sought contribution from a security guard who, by falling asleep while on duty, had made the burglary possible. BNC

3. An employer not giving an employee proper notice can be sued for damages for wrongful (not unfair) dismissal in the county court. BNC

summarize past events

- podat přehled posledních událostí

1. Several clubs summarize past events on their Web sites. WebC

2. All these stories summarize past events that took place during June. WebC

3. The purpose is to stay in touchand keep you informed of upcoming events and summarize past events for those who were unable to attend. WebC

support good cause

- podporovat dobrou věc

1. IT is apparent from Newsline that staff of the Royal Bank are always quick to support a good cause. BNC

supporting role

- vedlejší úloha/role

1. I first saw him in a supporting role at the Croydon Rep in 1936, where another young actor, seven years his junior, by the name of William Devlin, who dared to tackle King Lear at about the same time. BNC

2. Still, Pauline Collins is genuinely charming, there are some perky one-liners, and if there was an Oscar for Best Crinkly Smile In A Supporting Role, Tom Conti would have it sewn up. BNC

3. During a visit to California in 1938, the well-spoken English child actor was given the supporting role as a Cockney lad in Lord Jeff. BNC