úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.38
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

sales returns

reklamace zboží   thoughtful

We have also included a Sales Returns window to make it easy for you to record any returns you may have. WebC

Please call Romy with all of your questions regarding sales returns at extension 1211. WebC

Option to send sales returns to quality control inspection. WebC

salt away


It's not easy paying a mortgage, raising a young child, and salting away enough money for your retirement. (Free Dictionary)

So someone 50 or older, who hasn't contributed for the two years, can salt away $9,500 today, again as long as you matched that with earnings over the two years. (Google)

He has been working there for seven years and has been able to salt away quite a lot of money. (Google)

save money on sth

ušetřit na něčem   smile

The most important step that you can take to save money on these repairs is to find a skilled, honest mechanic. WebC

Save money on your household bills and credit cards. WebC

There are many ways to save money on your energy bills by using energy wisely. WebC

self-service shop

samoobsluha   smile

An average Czech family goes shopping every day to local self-service shop for necessary food. WebC

The hotel has a big, self-service shop with drinks, snacks and travel amenities, as well as an extended souvenir shop. WebC

A self-service shop is located in the same building. WebC

sell at a discount

prodávat se slevou big grin

Talk to potential customers to make sure there is a market for the items you want to sell at a discount. WebC

Most brand-name prescriptions in Canada sell at a discount of 50percent - 80percent less than in the US. WebC

First, you'll be paying a premium for a fund that will almost surely sell at a discount shortly after you buy it. WebC

sell at a high rate

prodat za vysokou cenu     blush

Multimedia materials continue to sell at a high rate as technology advancements are made in computer processor speed, video precision, memory capacity, and sound quality. WebC

Large properties gradually disappear, and are divided into small portions, which sell at a high rate. WebC

A grocer of the Karnafuli Market said they have to buy items at a high price. So they have to sell at a high rate. WebC

sell at a loss

prodat se ztrátou    angry

When you sell at a loss, the capital loss depends on your cost basis or the price you paid for the stock.  WebC

We cannot go back as there is less demand in Burma and therefore we have to sell at a loss. WebC

It is also entirely the sale merchant's responsibility not to sell at a loss. WebC

sell at a profit

prodat se ziskem   big grin

If you sell at a profit, you could have to pay capital gains taxes at 28 percent. WebC

Publishers need only sell at a profit a service that many or most of their authors want (and may demand). WebC

Sell at a profit a part of what you have purchased. WebC

sell below cost

prodat pod cenou    sad

I can not sell below cost and make it up on volume. WebC

 Some companies like to have one product they sell below cost to draw you to their site and then they hope that they can make a large profit on other items. WebC

Legally, they can't sell below cost even if that's what the market dictates. WebC

sell like hotcakes

jít na dračku, rychle rozprodat    smile

New lottery tickets sell like hotcakes. WebC

Hot dogs sell like hotcakes at lunch, especially the sauerkraut-topped and extra-spicy varieties. WebC

This stuff will probably sell like hotcakes, to people who don't know what real beer tastes like (or are too drunk to care!). WebC

sell oneself short

podceňovat svůj talent, schopnosti   shy

To sell oneself short is to be a slave to someone's dangerous prejudice. WebC

Susan is always selling herself short. She has missed two good job offers as a result. PDEI

He is selling himself short when he thinks that he can't do any other job. WPEI

sell out

vyprodat       cool

He can sell out his holding at a profit to new investors or he can sit back and await the dividends on the investment.  BNC

You'd better sell out of your holdings now while you still can without too much of a loss. BNC

Don't imagine I'm going to let you sell out of your holdings. BNC

sell sth to the public

získat si přízeň a souhlas veřejnosti     big grin

At least that's the way the liberals have sold it to the public for nearly 70 years. WebC

That Canadian Idol stuff has really brought the quality of music down and sold it to the public as the standard. WebC

You have to sell it to the public and part of the way you do that is by giving such military operations a catchy name. WebC

sell-by date

datum, do kterého by zboží mělo zmizet z regálů   thoughtful

For example, milk often has a sell-by date, but the milk will usually still be good for at least a week beyond that date if properly refrigerated. WebC

The sell by date is more for quality, it is the use by date that is more important as it refers to the safety of the food. WebC

How long after the "sell by" date is the yogurt good? WebC

sell/buy under the counter

prodávat/nakupovat podpultové zboží    surprise

The back door opened and in came my father (who had been out trying to buy "under the counter" cigarettes).  WebC

Perhaps it’s something you have to buy under the counter and perhaps forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. WebC

Some stores will sell under the counter but they aren't supposed to. WebC