Tuesday, 17 September 2024, 5:38 PM
Site: OpenMoodle
Course: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossary: WORK & LEISURE

to withdraw

- to take money out of a bank account

This credit card allows you to withdraw up to £200 a day.

to wrangle about

After the merger (fúze), German and American executives "spent a lot of time wrangling about (přít se o, hádat se) the size of the new company's business card," says Jeswald Salacuse, a professor at Tufts University's law and diplomacy school. "Would it follow the small American-size card or the larger size common in Europe?"

toe the line

dodržiavať pravidlá

1. Journalists who refuse to toe the line will have to be sacked. BNC

2. No Archbishop of Canterbury can simply pronounce to his flock, as does the Pope, and have the whole Church toe the line. BNC

3. They were no longer the oppressed, wretched teen menials who must take orders, toe the line. BNC

tough negotiator

tvrdý vyjednavač

Trade union

labour union (AmE)

odborová organizace, odbory

The trade union is in pay negotiations with the employer.


- special symbol, design, word etc used to represent a product or firm - " abbr.

Velcro is a registered trademark.



Local tradesmen are objecting to plans for big new out-of-town shopping centre.

tread the boards

hrať divadlo

1. REM guitarist Peter Buck has recently been treading the boards with Kevin Kinney of Drivin 'N' Cryin. WASPS

2. But more , I shall spread your name far and wide to all parts of the country , you will be as famous as any of the actors who have trod the boards at this theatre. WASPS

3. The trio were treading the boards at Linthorpe Road Junior School , Middlesbrough , in a short play devised and performed by South Tees Community and Mental Health chiropody department. WASPS

turn over

turn over - předat, přesunout, převést
The faster US troops can turn over responsibility for keeping the peace to Panamanian forces , officials said , the better the US invasion would look to Latin Americans .