úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.40
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: MONEY

take a nosedive

spadnúť, klesnúť, skolabovať

1. The Chancellor might be forced to raise rates again if sterling took a nosedive , but he did not need to sit with his finger on the trigger . BNCB

2. The global economy took a nosedive, and this became an interesting market segment to Oracle and SAP. Google

3. iSeries revenue, which had been steadily increasing all last year through the third quarter, took a nosedive in the fourth quarter. Google

take it public

Predať akcie (firmy)

1. But by 2002, the market for technology stock offerings had withered, and the Ministry of Defense began to look for a financial partner to take a major stake in the company, help it grow and then take it public in a few years. WebC

2. MYICIS is a small company which is not publicly traded, and there are no plans to take it public in the future. WebC

3. The con artists would acquire a private company of dubious value on the cheap, take it public through a reverse merger into a shell, and then sell stock to gullible investors. WebC

to be caught short

zůstat bez peněz

1) We went to lunch and I was caught short and had to ask Tom to pay the bill.(Google)

2) I'm afraid I'm caught short. Could you lend me a few dollars? (Google)

3) We may need to become more realistic about our spending so that we're not caught short with expenses that exceed our income, warns First National Bank.

to take a nosedive

zhroutit se, zkrachovat

1) The global economy took a nosedive, and this became an interesting market segment to Oracle and SAP. (Google)

2) Although she seemed to recover physically, her career took a nosedive, and she made her last film in 1953.(Google)

3) My social life took a nosedive. Often I wouldn't make any evening plans, so I could be free to go home after work and get into bed at whatever hour I liked.


obrat, odbyt

1. It is evident that the turnover of the American art market as a whole is the largest in the world . BNCB

2. Hamburger outlets are by far the most important , representing almost 80% of total turnover in the fast food market . BNCB

3. But the question must remain as to whether a Japanese giant with five times the turnover of the Virgin group will be content to stay a minority player in the long term . BNCB