mardi 16 juillet 2024, 15:26
Site: OpenMoodle
Cours: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossaire: TRAVEL

take a nosedive

těžce utrpět

His fortunes took a savage nosedive in September after a string of poor Liverpool results against Aston Villa... (Just the Word)

Mutual fund sales take a nosedive. (Google)

Conversely, what five teams do you see as most likely to take a nosedive? (Google)

take a short cut

jít/jet zkratkou

You don't go into areas that are poorly lit if you can help it, you don't take a short cut through the dark woods because it'll save you five minutes on your journey, stick in well lit, we well lit areas. BNC

She had got stuck getting out of Belfast, and got lost trying to take a short cut round the traffic jam. BNC

A block from the school, Ryan decided to take a short cut through the alley between two buildings directly next door to the school. WebC

take a taxi

jet taxíkem, vzít si taxi

I took a taxi from the station to the hotel. CALD

 For some reason which escapes me we had to take a taxi, and when we arrived at Helsinki airport we had to wait five hours for our flight. BNC

The train station in Plymouth is very close to campus and the city centre but if you have luggage it would be best to take a taxi on arrival. WebC

take driving lessons

učit se řídit vozidlo

Have you ever met anybody who took driving lessons, without wanting to drive a car at the end of it. BNC

She had to take driving lessons as her mother was too weak to drive and her father became increasingly fearful . WASPS

 You also then take driving lessons before you use your first car, and then slowly get used to the particular ways of your car once you've bought it. WebC

take everything but the kitchen sink

vzít si s sebou skoro úplně všechno

We're only going on vacation for a week, but John will insist on taking everything but the kitchen sink. CALD

Traveling with a dog can be like traveling with a child – you can pack light or take everything but the kitchen sink. WebC

I don't like to take everything but the kitchen sink when I travel. WebC 

take off

vzlétnout (o letadle)

The plane took off at 8.30 a.m. CALD

You can take off from either London Heathrow, Manchester or Prestwick. BNC

The plane should take off on time. MED

take the wind out of sb´s sails

vzít někomu vítr z plachet

Mum was waiting up for us when we got indoors, but before she could speak Mary began telling her about the agreement she had with Albert to pay for the wedding and this took the wind out of her sails. BNC

I was all ready to tell him that the relationship was over when he greeted me with a big bunch of flowers - it rather took the wind out of my sails. CALD

Everything was alright, though it rather took the wind out of my sails to know that I wouldn't get to speak to him after all. BNC

take to the road

vydat se na cestu

After a short visit, they took to the road again. CALD

We take to the road again this summer on a 16-city tour visiting fairs and festivals across the country from May 15 through December 11. WebC

We take to the road in cars or recreational vehicles; live on boats; relax in beach or mountain vacation homes; and camp. WebC

taxi rank

stanoviště taxi

Outside the church, I found a taxi rank, jumped in a taxi and asked to be taken to the village that gave County Louth its name. BNC

War has broken out between taxi drivers and a bus company over a taxi rank. BNC

Local taxi drivers claimed last week that public parking on the taxi rank was forcing them to park on the street and causing congestion which was putting lives at risk. BNC

test drive

zkušební jízda (např. před zakoupením vozidla)

All you have to do is call free of charge for details of your local Citroën dealer and arrange to take your test drive before 31st December 1990. BNC

The fastest production car in the world was taken for a test drive today by the President of the Board of Trade Michael Hesletine. BNC

Have a word with your Mazda dealer and take a test drive down memory lane. BNC

the boot of the car

kufr automobilu

He had lost his gate entry card and had to open the boot of the car to reveal his clubs as proof that he was a player. BNC

She didn't say a word to her, but instead opened the boot of the car and loaded in the folders she had been carrying. BNC

The young man closed the boot of the car and handed her the keys. BNC

thumb a lift


 Two or three cars passed me and I tried to thumb a lift, but they didn't stop. BNC

You try to thumb a lift from the cars as they approach from either direction, sweeping you with their headlights. BNC

Luke Bouverie missed the last bus out of Woodborough to Loxford, so he thumbed a lift. BNC

ticket collector

průvodčí/výběrčí jízdenek

Stuart, who denied the charge, was taken off the train at Darlington 's Bank Top Station following an argument with the ticket collector. WASPS

We were advised by the ticket collector to catch an ordinary train, but the train didn't turn up. BNC

On the return journey, the boys were apparently challenged by the ticket collector on the train, who explained that the receipt was not a valid ticket, and that they would have to pay the full fare. BNC

tourist season

turistická sezóna

A report by the National Economic Development Council (NEDC) points to the creation of a bank holiday in October as a way of extending the tourist season into the autumn. BNC

It is the start of the tourist season and Katmandu is the gateway to the world's highest mountains, including Everest. BNC

Many different areas across China, especially popular tourism sites, have been busy preparing for the forthcoming week-long peak tourist season starting May 1. WebC

tourist trade

cestovní ruch

The tourist trade was practically non-existent and Reid's Hotel was closed during the War. BNC

As we approach the end of the century, there is every indication that the worldwide tourist trade will continue to grow. WebC

So far, only Hong Kong 's tourist trade has visibly suffered, with year-on-year visitor numbers down 22 per cent in July, and 17 per cent in August. WASPS

touristy place/town

místo přeplněné turisty

This used to be an attractive seaside town, but now it's become very touristy.CALD

After 5 days in Rotorua we went south to Taupo, a disappointing touristy place except for a lovely walk to the Huka Falls beside the crystal-clear, swirling waters of the Waikato River, and a visit to Cherry Island (in the river) where you are warmly greeted by numerous tame animals and birds as you roam around. BNC

traffic accident

dopravní nehoda

Five people were injured in a traffic accident. CALD

Approximately half a million people die in traffic accidents every year and it is almost always possible to trace the causes of a traffic accident back to some form of human error. BNC

 He said Thompson had been involved in a traffic accident in which he had suffered a head injury and been concussed for a short time.BNC

traffic flow

dopravní provoz

When used correctly they assist traffic flow at busy road junctions by allowing drivers to enter and leave by different roads with the minimum of inconvenience or danger. BNC

If everyone knows and obeys the rules traffic flow and safety at roundabouts is much improved. BNC

The figures available were measures of the average total traffic flow recorded over a 16 hour period on weekdays (excluding Fridays). BNC

traffic jam

dopravní zácpa

We were stuck in a traffic jam.MED

Roadworks have caused traffic jams throughout the city centre.CALD

 Trying to get out of the traffic jam, I took a short cut down a back lane but found that it was blocked by a large wedding tent helpfully erected across the full width of the road. BNC

traffic lane

jízdní pruh

However I do like the stencil marked across the edge line to indicate that cyclists may ride in the car parking lane where there are no parked cars and that cyclists may ride in the traffic lane where there are parked cars. WebC

 As a consequence, stopping (without cause) in the traffic lane is likely to occur at intersections or other decision points. WebC

While, as stated above, a cyclist may use a full traffic lane when the lane is too narrow to share with a motor vehicle, a cyclist may also ride in the stream of traffic when going as fast as motor vehicles. WebC

traffic light


The traffic lights turned green as we approached the junction. CALD

At each traffic light as the lights turned green, a mass of cyclists would be the first away, with cars, buses, etc, following on behind. BNC

The first automatic traffic light was invented later in 1920 by Garrett Morgan and first used in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. WebC

traffic police

dopravní policie

For three miles around the tiny hillside church, streets were coned off by traffic police. BNC

Soon after it rose the traffic police were in position on the roads outside Sandwich. BNC

 Experienced traffic police can't believe how the driver of the stolen Ford Sierra managed to escape with his life. BNC

traffic regulations

dopravní předpisy

Greenways Mrs. R. Wilson reported on the meeting to deal with traffic regulations on Lanark Road. BNC

Further, the county council has not yet given its consent to the imposition of any traffic regulations. BNC

It can (with the consent of the Kent County Council) make traffic regulations controlling the use of these and other roads in the immediate vicinity of the port. BNC

traffic restraint

dopravní omezení

Speeds would have to be lowered, parking controlled and traffic restraint measures introduced. BNC

For these smaller cities, less expensive and more modestly scaled public transport and traffic restraint policies are more appropriate. BNC

As far as costs are concerned , it is envisaged that traffic restraint strategies will finally be applied to all town quarters , not just to a selected elite. WASPS

traffic warden

dopravní policista/hlídka

A traffic warden who tried to stop them was knocked to the ground. BNC

A traffic warden gave me a ticket for parking on a double yellow line. CALD

Traffic wardens and police patrols have been given instructions to keep a careful watch for motorists who may attempt to break the new rules. WASPS

train of thought

proud myšlenek, myšlenkový proud, myšlenkové pochody

What amazing train of thought led you from Napoleon to global warming? CALD

Brett’s phone call set in motion a disturbing train of events. MED

These are discussed with a clarity which enables the reader to fully identify with the author's train of thought. BNC

transport back to/in

přenést zpět v čase/do jiné doby

A visit to our unique museum will transport you back in time to wartime Britain . WASPS

The film transported us back to the New York of the 1950s. CALD

during the whole of our short stay on the island I had a most peculiar feeling of being transported back through time to another age. WASPS

transport of joy

nával/záchvat radosti

In a transport of joy I poured out my soul to him, and then explained how he could assist me.  WebC

 When Tiridates appeared on the frontiers of Armenia, he was received with an unfeigned transport of joy and loyalty. WebC

At the sound of his voice, the weapons instantly dropped from the hands of his adversaries, and they advanced to meet him in a transport of joy. WebC

travel agency

cestovní kancelář

The official travel agency Cedok can provide lists of places to stay throughout the country. BNC

One day in February, on the spur of the moment, he walked into an office of Cook's travel agency and enquired about a berth on a liner to London. BNC

The travel agency industry has changed drastically since Thomas Cook's own day. BNC

travel book

cestovní příručka, průvodce

As the holiday-maker travels further and learns more of the possibilities the world has to offer through travel books , magazines and television , travel companies are creating more and more imaginative and flexible packages . WASPS

Thereafter he made regular journeys in Greece and Turkey , some of which formed the subject of two of his major travel books , Researches in the Highlands of Turkey ( 2 vols. , 1869 ) and Turkish Armenia and Eastern Asia Minor ( 1881 ) . WASPS

The book Mc Carthy's Bar written by Pete McCarthy is a fine travel book for an Ireland trip. WebC

travel documents

cestovní doklady

We strongly suggest you take your copy of your final invoice along with your travel documents. BNC

The package includes insurance cover , emergency money , replacement of essential travel documents , medical help and legal advice. WASPS

When traveling to foreign countries, it is the responsibility of all travelers to present the proper travel documents and identification at airport check in and at customs. WebC

travel expenses

cestovní výlohy

It sounds really good because as David said you choose the course and they'll help you out with all the practical things like child care and travel expenses.BNC

Those attending the seminar will be the guests of the Börsenverein, which will pay the costs of accommodation and all events, and will need only to meet their travel expenses to and from the seminar. BNC

Your travel expenses, and those of your spouse and children if appropriate, should normally be borne by your employer.

travel insurance

cestovní pojištění

It is a requirement when booking your holiday, that you accept our special travel insurance, unless you or a Travel Agent have agreed alternative insurance arrangements with us. BNC

Travel insurance will cover theft or loss of baggage, medical expenses abroad, loss or theft of valuables/money/travellers cheques, and unavoidable cancellation of your holiday. BNC

 Kingfisher travel insurance can provide holiday insurance cover from the moment of booking right up until you are safely back in your own home. WebC

travel light

cestovat nalehko

I always try to travel light. CALD

You'll need to travel light, with shorts, swimming gear, T-shirts and trainers and don't forget the suncream as the sun can be very strong. BNC

The idea was to travel light, so Travis allowed her to pack only one change of clothing. BNC

travel the world

procestovat svět

As a young man he had travelled the world. CALD

For the next ten years he travelled the world, visiting and working in mines and quarries in every continent. BNC

He was among the first to travel the world to learn about all its birds. WebC

travel/go abroad

cestovat do zahraničí

If they do travel abroad their main destinations are Spain and Italy. BNC

We always go abroad in the summer.CALD

 I travel abroad with him, I help him to organise his business life, and I'm always there if he needs me. BNC

travelling companion

společník na cestách

It's a long way through the massive forests of larch and pine to Novosibirsk, especially if your travelling companion only grunts as he downs another tumbler of cheap vodka. BNC

Thesiger invited him and his travelling companion to spend the night with his caravan. BNC

He pointed back down the road to where his travelling companion was still approaching, having adopted a method of riding that involved falling out of the saddle every few seconds. BNC

trunk road

hlavní dopravní tepna

The M4 motorway and A34 trunk road make Didcot easily accessible by car and coach or you can choose a scenic drive down the Thames Valley or over the Berkshire Downs. BNC

The school is situated halfway between Maidstone and Ashford on the A20 trunk road.BNC

 By 1676 it was part of the main Oxford to Coventry road and of course remains as a major trunk road today. BNC

twin room

pokoj s dvěma samostatnými lůžky

The price per person in a twin room is £349, whilst the price per person in a single room is £389. BNC 

 If one person in a twin room cancels, we reserve the right to pass on the full cost of the twin room to the person using that room. BNC

 Prices are based on two sharing a twin room; double and three bedded are also available. BNC