úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.48
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLIMATE

take a rain check

nechat na jindy

I'll take a rain check on that drink tonight, if that's all right. CIDI

The warning voice could go take a rain check, she thought. BNC

I had to take a rain check because I was busy with writing," he told Hinduism Today.WebCorp

take the wind out of sb´s sails

vzít někomu vítr z plachet, srazit sebevědomí

I was all ready to tell him that the relationship was over when he greeted me with a big bunch of flowers - it rather took the wind out of my sails. CALD

Wouldn't it take the wind out of his sails more thoroughly if she seemed indifferent rather than angry? BNC

But do not let me take wind out of his sails if I am brief in maintaining the fact that education is the motor of growth, like develop is for a nation that would like to move forward. WebCorp

territorial waters

teritoriální, výsostné vody

United States wanted the treaty to apply only outside the 12-mile limit of territorial waters, but it was overruled. BNC

There is strong evidence suggesting the Vincennes was inside Iranian territorial waters at the time. BNC

 I was also concerned at this time that if an aircraft registered in a particular State crashed in the sea outside territorial waters, it was open to anyone to salvage it. BNC

test the water(s)

předem si okouknout situaci

Perhaps you should go to a couple of meetings to test the waters before you decide whether to join the club. CIDI

To test the water, John McElroy, an American official, is visiting Europe for two weeks from 14 April. BNC

Why do so many of us feel the need to test the water first?  BNC

thaw out


I'm only just beginning to thaw out after taking the dogs out this morning. CALD

That night it freezes hard and next morning after a brief breakfast we thaw out the boat and set off again. BCN

Sit down there, Myles, and thaw out.  BNC

the sky is the limit

nejsou žádné hranice

Now the sky is the limit, it appears, for Arazi, who heads next for the Kentucky Derby, at Churchill Downs. BNC

The sky is the limit now for interest rates, warned top City broker Paul Turnbull. BNC

Five months before the appeal reaches its climax, Alex have already topped the £1,000 mark, and organisers say the sky is the limit. BNC

throw caution to the wind(s)

hodit opatrnost za hlavu, jednat neopatrně

You could always throw caution to the wind and have another  glass of wine. CIDI

You may even throw caution to the wind and try one of our Mystery Trips. BNC

Most of the time, nurses throw caution to the wind in their excitement to work abroad. WebCorp

throw mud at sb

házet špínu na někoho

When she tried talking to kids on the street about Jesus, they would trow mud at her and yell at her. WebCorp

Sometimes it would be funny to throw mud at people.WebCorp

Tamani being the man of God that he is did not even throw mud at any presidential candidate as some religious organisations have been doing. WebCorp

throw/sling mud at ab

házet na někoho špínu

Companies should think carefully before slinging mud at someone who may respond with a libel action costing millions of dollars. CIDI

They are trying to sling mud at me to cover up the defeat by Peru, he said, rising to his own defence and pointing a brave if belated finger back at the SFA. BNC

They're going to  throw mud at everybody. BNC 



One June day, my sister was caught in a thunderstorm, and the deluge completely ruined her hat. BNC

There was a thunderstorm and I struggled from a deep sleep. BNC

There had been a thunderstorm the night before but it had swept over and the lake was calm. BNC

tidal wave

slapová vlna

Thousands of inhabitants reeled from a double disaster as tremors from the quake also created a Tsunami tidal wave that destroyed whole areas of land and villages. BNC

Steadily it rolled, the onrushing wave of sound leading the storm, like a tidal wave echoes some distant catastrophe. BNC

The Vets were not evacuated when the hurricane struck and Hemingway reports on the wind and the tidal wave that killed hundreds of them. BNC

to be clear about sth

mít jasno

Be clear about your expectations and needs,clear about person's assignment, and clear about the effect, both of performance and non-performance. WebCorp

Let us be clear about what we mean by pro-social (altruistic) behaviour? BNC

Be very clear about what you want to cover in a lecture. WebCorp

torrential rain

průtrž mračen

My mum and dad drove us to the airport in the torrential rain and wind. BNC

Britain was facing its worst flooding crisis for 22 years as torrential rain and gale-force winds swept the country last night. BNC

Large parts of Africa, India and Australia were ravished by drought while the west coast of the Americas was lashed by storms and torrential rain. BNC

toxic waste

jedovatý odpad

Indeed, they see incineration as a solution to toxic waste whose usefulness should be employed on a greater range of materials. BNC

Ocean has lodged planning applications for a waste-to-energy facility in south London and a toxic waste incinerator near Middlesbrough. BNC

He said the government should export technology so countries could deal with their own toxic waste. BNC

troubled waters

složitá životní situace

I believe we are sailing out of troubled waters now. BNC

This particular fish was very shortly going to find itself in exceedingly troubled waters. BNC

After just half an hour in the pool, it was back to the troubled waters of the Foreign Office. BNC