tisdag, 16 juli 2024, 16:01
Startsida: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

to plant a bomb

nastražit bombu

Israeli troops last night killed three Palestinians trying to plant a bomb on the border fence between Israel and Gaza.(WebCorp)

There are three main objectives in this game: defeat all the enemies, rescue the hostages, or plant a bomb and blow up a target.(WebCorp)

Israeli commandos on Wednesday opened fire on Palestinians they said were planting a bomb, killing two people and at least two others who later approached the bodies.(WenCorp)

to plant a bug

instalovat štěnici, odposlech

1. Detectives had planted a bug in his hotel room.(Cambridge Advanced Dictionary)

2. Or perhaps the DTI anticipated their wrong-doing and so planted a bug to record the conversation at which the agreement was struck.(BNCI)

3. Someone tampered with IBM systems by planting a dormant bug due to wipe out whole data banks as soon as the calendar hits Friday 13 October. (WASPS)

to plead guilty

přiznat vinu, doznat se

1. John Daly's wife and her parents pleaded guilty Monday to federal money laundering charges.(WebCorp)

2. He had decided, as advised, to plead guilty and proceedings had moved with dizzying speed. (BNCI)

3. Both defendants pleaded not guilty on all counts.(Macmillan English Dictionary)

to print out


You don't need to use expensive paper with a fax modem either; just print out your faxes from your normal printer.(BNCI)

As I recall, he couldn't print out documents of more than one page in length; he had to send each page to the printer separately. (BNCI)

Well it might just take a couple of hours to print out a complete set of statements for two hundred customers. (BNCI)

to proclaim independence

prohlásit nezávislost

As soon as Gorbachev was reinstated as President on Aug. 21, he was compelled by the increase in Yeltsin's political standing and the fact that most state bodies were at least partially compromised in the coup attempt to acknowledge the need for a new state structure; the majority of the republics proclaimed independence from the Soviet Union, and fundamental reforms began of the government and the State Security Committee (KGB).(BNCI)

 Yet, not a single Indonesian today accepts that date, arguing that the country proclaimed independence August 17, 1945.(Google)

Guatemala proclaimed independence from Spain for all of Central America on September 15, 1821. Costa Rica learned the news a month later. The first constitution, the Pacto de Concordia, was soon adopted. (Google)

to propose an amendment

navrhnout pozměnění, dodatek

He proposed an amendment to the poll tax to take account of ability to pay and split the Conservative Party in 1988. (BNCI)

 In the Lords, Lord Joseph proposed an amendment to remove compulsion from the National Curriculum provisions --; arguing that a mandatory National Curriculum was not working satisfactorily in France. (BNCI)

Coun. Peter Jones (C), a member of the policy and resources committee, said he would propose an amendment to make things easier for the disabled.(BNCI)

to put on probation

propustit na podmínku

A motorist who was five times over the drink-drive limit, twice within 24 hours, was put on probation for two years, and banned from driving for three years by magistrates at Exeter. (BNCI)

Jeremy Smith, 26, unemployed, of Leicester, was put on probation yesterday and banned from driving for 30 years after being convicted of his eighth drink-driving offence.. (BNCI)

One of the two teenagers was put on probation for a year, the other received a supervision order.(BNCI)

to put up a candidate

postavit kandidáta

STV propagandists let it be understood that each major party will put up a candidate for every seat. (BNCI)

A party, can present a list without having to put up a candidate in every or indeed in any constituency. (BNCI)

The PSD announced on April 30, 1990, that it would not put up a candidate against Soares in the next presidential elections, due in 1991. (BNCI)

to refute an argument

vyvrátit argument

Discuss how you refuted an argument in conversation or how you might refute an argument in the media using at least one of the approaches described in the chapter. (Google)

Well, every time he refuted an argument which you made, you ignored it or tried to distort what he said into something else. I would call that a "losing argument". (Google)

Scott refuted an argument that CSU doesn’t do a good enough job of making its free tickets available to students.(Google)

to renew a call

obnovit požadavek

Earlier this month, K. Kasturirangan used the opportunity of India’s latest space success - the launch of Metsat, our first exclusive meteorological satellite - to renew a call for government funding for the Rs 400-crore mission.(WebCorp)

Latino activists renew a call for the release of 15 Puerto Ricans encarcerated in federal prisons around the country for their work in favor of Puerto Rican independence. (WebCorp)

We need a Congressional Democrats plan of action to, if necessary, renew a call for a Congressional investigation every week.(WebCorp)

to reshuffle cabinet

přeskupit, rozdělit funkce ve vládě

Chief Executive General Pervez Musharraf, it is being speculated in Islamabad circles, may reshuffle his cabinet after becoming President, revealed sources on Wednesday. (Google)

But he is also expected to face difficulties in pushing forward his structural reforms in the long run and reshuffle cabinet in short term. (Google)

It wouldn't be useful to reshuffle cabinet, unless the president wanted to strike out in some new direction. (Google)

to retire from politics

odejít z politiky

 She retired from politics after her last term in office. She has received many honorary degrees.(Google)

In 1704 he was made secretary of war and retained this office until 1708 when the Whigs came into power, after which he retired from politics and applied himself to study.(Google)

Paul Simon, a five-term Democratic congressman and two-term senator from Illinois who ran unsuccessfully for his party's presidential nomination in 1988 and retired from politics seven years ago, died on Tuesday in Springfield, Ill. He was 75.(Google)

to rig the election

zmanipulovat volby

1. Previous elections in the country have been rigged by the ruling party.(Cambridge Advanced Dictionary)

2. Before the High Court ruling, opposition parties had been reported as considering a boycott, amid allegations that Moi's Kenya African National Union (KANU) was attempting to rig the elections. (BNCI)

3. UNP spokesman Gamini Athukorale said the anti-fraud measures would make it difficult for the ruling party to rig the elections.(WebCorp)

to rule out a possibility

vyloučit možnost

Although they have not ruled out a possibility that another criminal
could be behind the anthrax attacks, investigators are intensely
looking at evidentiary threads linking the letters to the hijackers.(WebCorp)

When asked about his future plans, Ben merely replied, "I have not yet ruled out a possibility of running in the upcoming race for Governor of California."(WebCorp)

Melnikov ruled out a possibility that some other company except “Slavneftebank”, acting on behalf of “Sibneft”, will engage in the bidding, for the deadline for submitting application expired on November 20, 2002. (WebCorp)

to run a business

podnikat, vést podnik

To achieve this, the manager needs a knowledge of the record industry, music publishing, concert promotion, tax and of how to run a business; as well as how to keep the act's family happy. (BNCI)

He has thus learned what qualities are necessary to run a business both under the bureaucratic yoke of government red tape and in the cut and thrust of the world of international competition. (BNCI)

One member commenting on the new profile Taylor can bring to the region says: `;He understands what it means to run a business and what it costs to run a business. (BNCI)