utorok, 16 júla 2024, 15:53
Portál: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

trade fair

veletrh   wink

By all accounts, the 35th annual Baghdad international trade fair was a smashing success.  WebC

A massive trade fair in Baghdad has been cancelled just days before it was to start, after the US State Department warned it could by targeted by rebels.

Scotland's biggest annual travel trade fair opens today in Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre. WebC

trade something in

vyměnit něco starého a použitého za něco nového    tongueout

We had four Xerox Express Printers and we traded them in for the newer Express Two for the simple reason that the new model is three times faster. WebC

We won a total of 19 tickets from the arcade. We traded them in for 3 deputy sherriff badges, 2 yin-yang erasers, and 1 plastic airplane. WebC

Billy use to hold several records but has now traded them in for CD’s. WebC

treat someone to sth

platit za někoho, pozvat někoho na něco   approve

Liz Let me treat you to lunch for your birthday!  WebC

We will treat you to a full breakfast at a wonderful outdoor cafe! WebC

Let us treat you to shopping therapy…it's all the pleasures of purchasing minus the stress! WebC

try sth on

vyzkoušet si obleční   wide eyes

I want to try them on before buying.  WebC

Examine each pair of shoes before you try them on.  WebC

Those are gorgeous shoes, can I try them on? WebC

tuck shop

školní kantýna    smile

Our school has a healthy tuck shop. WebC

Where have all the tuck shops gone? There used to be one in every school when I was young. PDEI

Twenty-three schools were randomly allocated to the intervention group, and each of them set up a fruit tuck shop in the autumn term, 1999. WebC

turn over

prodat   cool

We were able to turn over most of our stock of air conditioners during the summer. WebC

I have turned over my house, gave away all my pets, put my notice in at work, and have even found a job in TN. WebC

Things were getting bluer every day, so on May 3d I turned over my property to Capt. JB Wheeler. WebC

two bits

dvacet pět centů, čtvrťák   clown

He bought several used books for two bits each.  WebC

I bought it for two bits in one of the bookstores. WebC

Yesterday at a garage sale I found Time—not on gilded wings—but in a pile of magazines, and bought it for two bits. WebC

two cents

něco téměř nedůležitého nebo malého, malá částka peněz, "troška do mlýna"   wink

It would actually cost you two cents, or some other relatively small sum... WebC

Now here is where I give my two cents about all the stuff that confused me earlier... WebC

It doesn't cost anything to give us your two cents. WebC