úterý, 16. července 2024, 15.59
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

an old hand

človek skúsený vo svojom odbore

1. She`s an old hand at magazines, having trained on Cosmopolitan before editing Company. CIDoI

2. I was the new boy at the office, he the old hand wondering what to make of me; but if he was having second thoughts he dismissed them in a sudden grin. BNC

3. Friedersdorf, by contrast, was an old hand in the field of congressional liaison, having worked in the area for Nixon and been Ford's chief of legislative liaison. BNC

apply for a job

apply for a job - žádat o práci

Most of us will apply for a job after finishing this university.

apply for the job

žiadať o prácu

1. Next, when you apply for the job ask the employer to provide a job description that will answer most of the questions. BNC

2. Having just had a row with the acerbic Redwood, Kelly decided to apply for the job as assistant to whoever the new paper appointed as their Belfast representative. BNC

3. It had seemed such a marvellous idea at the time, to leave behind her northern home town, the scene of all her unhappy memories, and to apply for the job Caro had just vacated, to take over Caro's lease. BNC

arrange a meeting

domluvit schůzku/ schůzi

I have arranged a meeting to be held at 2.00pm.



...articles of an agreement...


majetek, aktiva

The company has recently sold some of its assets to an Australian investor.

at the top of the ladder

na najvyššom poste, na vrchole

1. Socially, he was at the top of the ladder and he lived to the limits of his wealth. BNC

2. We had Desmond Child producing at the time when Bon Jovi were at the top of the ladder. BNC

3. He`s at the top of the ladder after a long and successful career. CIDoI

attend a meeting

zúčastnit se schůze

You will be able to attend branch and regional meetings.