tirsdag, 16. juli 2024, 15:39
Portal: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

abound in, with sth

oplývat něčím

1. This began to promote excessive erosion and Aboriginal concerns relating to infringements of their sacred sites which abound in the region. BNCB

2. Examples of the principle of participation in Hinduism abound in the life, work and teaching of Gandhi. BNCB

3. Floodlit tennis courts and markets hawking Mexican trinkets abound in Cancun. BNCB

admission price


1. Company employees plus a guest can get 35 per cent off the admission price to the Science Museum in London and the National Railway Museum, York. BNCB

2. This has proved so popular that arrangements have been made for this to be included in the admission price to the Centre. BNCB

3. Admission price includes a free personal stereo guided tour. BNCB

algae bloom

přemnožení vodních řas

1. These large green clumps are part of the algae bloom in Lake Sammamish. WebC

2. Before this year, the last major algae bloom severely affecting West Maui occurred between 1989 and 1991. WebC

3. Cloudy water is caused by a bacteria bloom, while green water is an algae bloom. WebC

always on the go

stále aktivní, v pohybu, pořád na nohou

1. The difference between radio stations and cars is that the former are always on the go, thus overstretching the available pool of talent and leading to a diminution of quality. Times

2. Noah, still in her forties, teaches English literature and is always on the go, a dedicated do - gooder. Times

3. Friends and neighbours saw a conscientious and hard-working mother who never seemed to sit down, and was always on the go, and kept herself to herself. BNCB

amusement park

zábavní park, lunapark

1. In it you'll find more fun and thrill rides than any other amusement park in Europe. BNCB

2. Fifteen miles away, you can visit the Lightwater Valley with its amusement park for children. BNCB

3. So off we trot through the long hours, by the Danube, in the Prater amusement park, in bars and cafes. Times

ancient core of the city

starobylý střed města

1. As the spacious Georgian streets spread out around it, the tightly packed ancient core of the city became a bottleneck. WebC

2. The castle rises on a hill that dominates the ancient core of the city of Rovereto. WebC

3. On the 1855 painting, one can see the ancient core of the city: the Ile de la Cité, the Latin quarter to the south, the commercial areas in the north. WebC

antique furniture

starožitný nábytek

1. It even has antique furniture that is used rather than just plished. BNCB

2. Charity led the way into a sitting-room full of antique furniture the effect of which was spoiled by Nazi posters and emblems of the Hitler cult covering the walls. BNCB

3. The house is beautifully decorated with antique furniture, paintings and honey-coloured natural pine woodwork. BNCB

archeological dig

archeologické naleziště, místo vykopávek

1. They set out from Belize to travel to Izcan Rio, a Mayan city, where they were put to work for 40 hours on an archeological dig. Times

2. In that case she will carpenter or go on a dig. An archeological dig. You know that she read archeology by correspondence when she was at finishing school. BNCB

3. You may also want to join him or other faculty members on an actual archeological dig in Israel. WebC

architectural treasure

architektonický poklad

1. The city's other great architectural treasure is the Alcazar, the huge Moorish palace founded on an 8th-century fortress, which was infuriatingly closed throughout the Saturday I spent in Seville. Times

2. Both are crowned by the remains of the Parthenon, that geometric and architectural treasure widely copied - from Birmingham, England, to Nashville, Tennessee. BNCB

3. The tower, like other of the medieval remains of Sauveterre (all of them numbered and labelled by the tourist authorities, as if they were clues in an architectural treasure hunt), is alive with pigeons and with palombes, wisely sitting out the shooting season in town. BNCB

aristocrat's house

šlechtický dům

1. Because of the demand for space there would have been only minor differences in size between a commoner's and an aristocrat's house, though a commoner's house might be home to more than one family as well as his animals. WebC

2. He dines with his father and then finds himself at an aristocrat's house party outside Rome. WebC

3. An aristocrat's house, a watermill and a farmer's home can be entered, and their furnshings examined. WebC

arrow slit

úzká štěrbina pro střílení šípy

1. She passed within a few feet of an arrow slit from which a light showed, but she was too far away to see into the room where the verderers were. BNCB

2. The last arrow slit had just flashed past when a large shadow loomed on the wall in front of her. BNCB

3. It includes a new style of arrow slit, brick edged window arches and trim pieces. WebC

art gallery

umělecká galerie, obrazárna

1. They have designed a much admired art gallery in Munich for the Goetz collection of contemporary art and will shortly complete a remarkable railway engine depot in Basle. BNCB

2. London has been waiting for a new modern art gallery for over 50 years. BNCB

3. You are not in an art gallery, even though the art may be as fine. BNCB

Art nouveau


1. Another treat is to explore the city's remarkable array of art nouveau architecture as good as any in Paris. Times

2. The turn of every corner seems to hold a fresh architectural gem of baroque, Renaissance, rococo, gothic or art nouveau all of them in the same row. Times

3. The Villa Igiea is a masterpiece of art nouveau. Times

as early as


1. It was one of the more effective Bolshevik controls as early as 1922, and not only in negative ways. BNCB

2. It has ceased to operate as a flour mill as early as 1938 and in the immediate post-war period it was used as a seed store. BNCB

3. As early as 1963 Cubans were helping Algeria in a border conflict with Morocco. BNCB

ask the way

zeptat se na cestu

1. When you have a trip or visit to your friends or acquaintances alone, you may come across an unknown or unclear address and you will have to ask the way. WebC

2. You may also ask the way from the janitors, you find them directly on your left when you enter the building. WebC

3. After ten minutes of driving and peering along the dark road for a place to stop, Danielle pulls off at a gray farmhouse to ask the way to Wood River. WebC

astronomical clock


1. It is not surprising that this remarkably complete astronomical clock attracted the attention of princes. BNCB

2. It was just coming up to three o'clock when the taxi dropped them off in the old town square and Ven guided her to the old town hall where, with barely a minute to go before the run-through of the astronomical clock, Fabia stood in rapt attention. BNCB

3. And fell more and more in love with you, be it lunching with you, or dining with you, watching your innocent pleasure as you in turn watched the astronomical clock strike the hour. BNCB

athletic events

atletické závody

1. In ancient Greece men were supposed to get married by the age of 30. If they didn't, they were banned from watching the popular nude athletic events. BNCB

2. We are talking about a very modest number of swimming, basketball and athletic events, all of which are performed at an extremely high level. Times

3. The irony of that comment, of course, is that of all athletic events, the decathlon is consistently demonstrative of a true sporting ambience among rival competitors. Times