martes, 16 de julio de 2024, 15:22
Sitio: OpenMoodle
Curso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

astronomical clock


1. It is not surprising that this remarkably complete astronomical clock attracted the attention of princes. BNCB

2. It was just coming up to three o'clock when the taxi dropped them off in the old town square and Ven guided her to the old town hall where, with barely a minute to go before the run-through of the astronomical clock, Fabia stood in rapt attention. BNCB

3. And fell more and more in love with you, be it lunching with you, or dining with you, watching your innocent pleasure as you in turn watched the astronomical clock strike the hour. BNCB

athletic events

atletické závody

1. In ancient Greece men were supposed to get married by the age of 30. If they didn't, they were banned from watching the popular nude athletic events. BNCB

2. We are talking about a very modest number of swimming, basketball and athletic events, all of which are performed at an extremely high level. Times

3. The irony of that comment, of course, is that of all athletic events, the decathlon is consistently demonstrative of a true sporting ambience among rival competitors. Times