utorok, 16 júla 2024, 16:06
Portál: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

at hand

na blízku, nedaleko, po ruce

I couldn’t stand it. I saw the cherry and realized an opportunity was at hand. Had just the stuff in the shed. Should have got rid of it years ago, but hadn’t.

Be prepared for this and ensure that you are close at hand with a reverse punch.

Designs are now being considered for small ice-lined cabinets for doctor’s surgeries, so that doctors can have vaccines at hand to immunise any child who comes for treatment.


at one's fingertips

na dosah ruky

They are our hidden universities, with some of the leading academics in their fields, the best specialist libraries and the stuff of history at their fingertips yet they work largely unsung and unknown.

They had, at their fingertips, the right numbers to ring and the right people to talk to.

With 1,200 hotels now on TravelWeb, consumers have a lot of information at their fingertips.


at the back of one’s mind

v podvědomí

My parents are not educated, they won't understand. At the back of their minds many girls feel that perhaps, even if they told their parents, they would fail to understand, or take in a situation so different from their own educational experiences.

And always, at the back of his mind, there was the business with the Police.

Whenever he sat up, the preserve on his chest was intense. His stomach seemed to be floating on a rising tide that compressed it against his sternum. At the back of his mind was the fear that he had been given too much air, that his lungs could not sustain the pressure that they would collapse.


at the hand of somebody

za strany koho, kvůli komu

The structure has suffered little at the hand of man, or from the lapse of time, so that without much imagination it is possible to picture it as the builders left it about the year 1410.

Professor Levy will see you now. And she directed us to an examination cubicle adjacent to the great man’s room. We waited behind a closed door which opened at the hand of a rugged dark-haired, dark-bearded man in an open white coat who said: Hi, I’m Ron Levy.

A child who suffers abuse at the hand of a stranger can expect comfort and protection from his or her family; incest victims often have no-one to whom to turn - those who should support have been the cause of suffering.


at/ in the back of beyond

na konci světa

Once Bernie and I dragged right across town to a pub in the back of beyond in North London because we'd seen a gig advertised there featuring a band called The Teenage Rebels.

The train from the Back of Beyond is about to arrive at the Middle of Nowhere. A week out of Moscow across Siberia and five time zones later you somehow land up in landlocked Mongolia.

She was appalled at the idea of living in the wilds, as she put it. To expect her to bury herself in the back of beyond, away from all her friends with just Penry Vaughan for company, constituted adequate grounds for divorce in her view.