úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.16
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: SPORT

added time

nastavený čas, nastavení

On Saturday Leeds burgled an equaliser through Chris Fairclough 45 seconds into added time to protect an 18-month unbeaten run at Elland Road. BNCB

With the game going into added time Michael Galwey, after good work by Geoghegan, Clarke and Bradley, got in for an Irish try. BNCB

We've had a couple of stoppages in the first half, not the sort that will give us the nine minutes of added time we had at Highbury on Saturday, but certainly a minute or two this evening. BNCB

Alpine skiing

Alpské lyžování

Alpine skiing evolved from cross-country skiing. Google

The first alpine skiing competition, a primitive downhill, was held in the 1850s in Oslo. Google

Alpine skiing became part of the Olympic programme at the 1936 Garmisch-Partenkirchen Games with a men's and ladies combined event. Google

American football

Americký fotbal

Add the fact that the dominating sport, American football, venerates the combination of meticulous planning with the sudden

They would rather watch American football on television. BNCB

The word is that Bath are being helped by a man who has been a kicking coach in the National League of American Football. BNCB

anchor leg

poslední úsek (štafety, závodu); finiš

Scotsman Elliot Bunney, Dale Thompson, Mike McFarlane, and me on the anchor leg. BNCB

Lewis, who swelled his incredible haul of Olympic golds to eight with a fantastic anchor leg in Saturday's 4 x 100 metres world record performance from the Americans, said: "I won't dodge Linford." BNCB

However, Alsgaard will be best known for his tremendous anchor leg performances in the Relay. Google

anchor runner

poslední člen/ka štafety; finišman/ka

The third runner must attempt to set up the anchor runner for good race position in which he or she can perform their best. Google

She caught French anchor runner Christine Arron, but could not get close to Debbie Ferguson of the Bahamas or Merlene Ottey of Jamaica. Google

The last leg, the anchor leg, is called the "glory leg" by many veterans of this race because the anchor runner is the one who gets to finish up the race at the end of the day by running through the town of Galconda towards that long finish line. Google

assisting wind

vítr v zádech

A heavy assisting wind (+2.8m/s) and a superb last 60 metres by American champion Kelli White brought some very fast times in the women’s 100m and also ended the US$ 1 million Golden League Jackpot hopes of Bahamian Chandra Sturrup. Google

The men's 100-m final was run with a +0.2 m/s assisting wind (w), whereas in the women's final, w = +0.4 m/s. Google

Over speed can be done by running down a very slight slope, running with an assisting wind or by being towed. Google

at home

na domácím hřišti; doma

Should City defeat Scarborough at home on Saturday, then they will be crowned as Conference champions. Google

Stars stay unbeatable at home. Google

Manchester United lost at home to Liverpool today and wait for tomorrow-s North London derby between Arsenal and Tottenham to see if Arsenal can come within three points of United to leave the Championship race wide open. Google

attacking zone

útočné pásmo

Offside occurs when when an offensive player crosses the blue line into the attacking zone before the puck. Google

Sopel's been very effective for the Canucks of late(funny what he can do when he doesn't make boneheaded plays day in and day out), and he continues to show his usefulness on the Canucks power play, as he is quite possibly the best Canuck on the blueline at holding the puck in the attacking zone. Google

They have 6 players with 30 + points which is a great sign of how well this team is playing in the attacking zone. Google

automatic transmission

automatická převodovka

If you have ever driven a car with an automatic transmission, then you know that there are two big differences between an automatic transmission and a manual transmission. Google

The predominant form of automatic transmission today is the hydraulic automatic transmission. Google

By pure chance it turns out that the way an automatic transmission does it is absolutely amazing! Google

avoid relegation

nesestoupit, vyhnout se sestupu; nespadnout

Spurs are almost certain to avoid relegation but their heaviest defeat was even harder for their fans to accept because they were 2-0 up after 13 minutes. BNCB

A draw was all that either team needed in order to avoid relegation. BNCB

Last season Moseley only avoided relagation by beating Newcastle Gosforth in their last match. BNCB

award a penalty (kick)

nařídit pokutový kop/penaltu

However, to the amazement of Tottenham, referee Steve Dunn awarded a penalty to Chelsea. Google

And the home side should have scored when, fifteen minutes from time, they were awarded a penalty after Ryan Taylor had shoved Cahill. Google

Now Mr Joslin must have been obviously worried about what state his car was going to be in after the game, as he was giving the majority of the decisions to the home team, but in this instance, he agreed with our shouts and awarded a penalty kick. Google

away kit

dres pro zápasy hrané na cizím hřišti, sada dresů pro zápasy hrané na cizím hřišti

Apparently Brum forgot that their home shirts would clash with ours, and so had to wear the Palace away kits instead. Google

As both United and Benfica wore red as a first choice kit, on the night United played in an all blue away kit. Google

Leeds were wearing their new away kit. BNCB