úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.19
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

a mutual admiration society

situace, ve které si lidé vzájemně projevují obdiv, úctu

'You haven't aged at all.' 'Neither have you and look how slim you are!' 'Hey, you two, why don't you form a mutual admiration society!' (Free Dictionary)

If we form a mutual admiration society, we will be able to carry out that responsibility by whatever means we find appropriate. (Google)

The Tweedledum-Tweedledee approach appears to please both directors, who have formed something of a mutual admiration society. (Google)

additional tax

daňová přirážka

There would be the cost of additional tax relief and the extra costs for private industry and the public sector. (BNCI)

If you pay tax at above the basic rate, there will be some additional tax to be paid.(BNCI)

No additional tax is paid on a property where more than two adults reside.(BNCI)

alternative medicine

netradiční léčitelství

Acupuncture is widely used in human alternative medicine. (BNCI)

Alternative medicine is also becoming increasingly popular --; the latest figures show that one person in seven has seen a complementary practitioner within the past year. (BNCI)

In Homoeopathy and many other types of alternative medicine the patient's illness is placed in a much larger context. (BNCI)

an outburst of violence

propuknutí násilí

I could not believe that such an outburst of violence could happen in Fontanellato, where everybody, including those who belonged to the party, seemed to be more or less on good terms with one another, but when I arrived home I begged my father to be careful and to avoid discussions with anybody except the doctor. (BNCI)

Attackers killed nine people in an outburst of violence, including four Christian women headed to jobs at a U.S. military base, and two American soldiers.(Google)

The occasional outburst of violence they observe is often the result of crime, which suggests to many citizens that violence is only the tool of the desperate or deluded. (Google)

anybody who is anybody

každý, kdo něco znamená; všichni významní lidé

Anybody who is anybody was invited to the Chief Minister’s birthday bash. Google

It's 1961 and the world's richest man – Jerry Oilman – has invited anybody who is anybody to his birthday party – the biggest party of all time. Google

The message was clear: Anybody who is anybody or knows anything is voting for John Kerry, while anybody who votes for George Bush is either ignorant or insane. Google

astute businessman

mazaný, chytrý obchodník

He must be an astute businessman and an effective and efficient administrator.(WebCorp)

He was also an astute businessman and exploited every opportunity of opening up new markets for his products.(WebCorp)

He had a very sharp mind and was a very astute businessman.(WebCorp)