pondělí, 1. července 2024, 13.32
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLOTHES
Libor Juhaňák


boty, do kterých se pouze vklouzne

Whether it's boots or shoes, slip-ons or sandals, you're bound to take a shine to the latest in leather. BNCB

The leather slip-ons were an old, comfortable pair. BNCB

Avoid slip-ons, as the toes need to grip hard to keep them on and so are put under strain. BNCB

slit skirt

sukně s rozparkem

She was wearing a blue costume with a slit skirt that opened when she crossed her legs. BNCB

The after dark choice was a sleekly sophisticated black velvet dress complete with cutaway shoulders and a de rigueur slit skirt. BNCB

She looked good in a slit skirt and blouse. CDAE

smarty pants

chytrák, přemoudřelec, rozumbrada, chytrolín

That old smarty pants Dr Samuel Johnson was fond of saying that a woman preaching was like a dog standing on hind legs --; it was not done well but it was surprising to find it done at all. BNC-B

Cindy, the little smarty pants, will be the first to tell us where we went wrong. CIDI

Decorators have an extremely bad public image because they have fostered a sort of social, smarty pants, flimsy image of being delicate, emotional and over elaborate. Times 1968

smoking jacket

pánský domácí kabátek, sváteční krátký župan

Reginald had discarded his officer's uniform that he had worn at dinner and was now dressed in ordinary dark trousers and a blue-velvet smoking jacket. BNCB

It would make a beautiful fabric for my next idea, a wonderful Edwardian smoking jacket. BNCB

Lord Grubb, in terror, waved his arthritic right hand at Algy with a patting motion of great violence and scattered cigar ash on his beautiful old green smoking jacket.  BNCB

spend money as if it is going out of fashion

rozhazovat peníze, utrácet plnými hrstmi

In spite of the world recession, there are still some people in the early 1980s who are cheerfully spending money as if it is going out of fashion. IE

I am getting worried about Jack - he is spending money as if it´s going out of fashion. He doesn´t earn all that much, so I only hope he came by it honestly. IE

I don´t want to lose all my money, please don´t spend money as if it is going out of fashion. Wasp

sports jacket

sportovní sako, bunda

An establishment economist was present standing in sports jacket and flannels in the crush. BNCB

Wearing a new sports jacket and grey flannels under his open raincoat. BNCB

Marler was in his early thirties, slim in build, wore an expensively cut sports jacket. BNCB

sports shoes

sportovní boty

Clarks International has unveiled a new range of sports shoes called Cica. BNCB

There a lots lots of shops about that spell sell sports shoes. BNCB

I'm sure Adi Dassler and his brother Rudolph didn't know what they were starting when they began making sports shoes in Germany in the Twenties. BNCB

strait jacket

svěrací kazajka

STRAIT JACKET FITS: New Zealand guitar unit offer a triple track recorded live in the studio with Bad Seeds producer Tony Cohen, prior to their forthcoming new LP. BNCB

I freed myself from the antiquated strait jacket of his verbose speech patterns. BNCB

The shock had been too much for her precarious hold on sanity and she had been removed to Rainhill Asylum in a strait jacket. BNCB

strapless dress

šaty bez ramínek

Susanna wore a black silk strapless dress. BNCB

A short, plain black, strapless dress with a tailcoat top of bold black and white spots sweeping down the back to the floor. BNCB

Her tightly tailored strapless dress matched her lips exactly, as did the shoes that even Belinda recognised as highest quality Italian leather, the kind of leather with a fine grain that was almost like satin to the touch. BNCB

straw hat

slaměný klobouk

Little flames were breaking through the brim of Charlie's straw hat. BNCB

One of the porters beamed at me from under his large straw hat. BNCB

The waiter held out the straw hat which had been left behind on a chair. BNCB

strong suit

silná stránka

Downwind or on a broad reach they are magnificent craft, but upwind sailing is definitely not their strong suit. BNCB

Deacon's escapades aside, housekeeping doesn't appear to be the actor's strong suit. BNCB

Her strong suit was the family chronicle and, if this was to be extended over three or more generations, enough leading personages had to be kept in the land of the living. BNCB

stuffed shirt

suchar, nadutec

I knew he was a banker and expensively educated so I was expecting him to be a stuffed shirt. CIDI

I don`t want to invite him to go with us because he is a stuffed shirt and not very interesting to spend time with. IC

It was a nice yarn of respectable girl from despicable family, married to a stuffed shirt who would cast her out into the snow if a breath of suspicion fell on his name. BNC-B

sun hat


In summer you'll need a sun hat to keep the sun off and in winter don't forget that about a third of body heat is lost through the head so a warm woolly hat is great. BNCB

He placed the helmet squarely on the American boy's head and glanced at Flavia Sherman, who had put on a wide-brimmed sun hat of white felt decorated with coloured ribbons. BNCB

While there he is introduced to Frances Rice, a charming and attractive girl, wearing an even more attractive sun hat. BNCB

suspender belt

podvazkový pás

Her petticoat fell next; then the cami-knickers; after that the suspender belt with its four suspenders clicking in their release. BNCB

After the suspender belt, suspender welt and foot had been cut off, the stocking was tied round the head and the hair rolled over and tucked into a v shape. BNCB

 Jim Scott watched as she finished applying the vaseline, pacing the dressing room as she stood naked before him, slipping on a G-string and a suspender belt. BNCB

sweat pants


She wars a T-shirt, culottes and a baseball cap but can be changed into a sweat-shirt and sweat pants. BNCB

They can wear a sweatshirt or blouse, with culottes or sweat pants. BNCB

I like wearing sweat pants with my favourite T-shirt. Lingea