pondělí, 1. července 2024, 15.10
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLOTHES
Libor Juhaňák

waterproof clothing

nepromokavé oblečení, oděv

Go well prepared with a map and compass and warm waterproof clothing. BNCB

Most sailing courses can provide buoyancy aids and waterproof clothing, while a pair of trainers and shorts will get you by with a borrowed lifejacket while crewing in the summer. BNCB

For waterproof clothing, when weight is not a problem, some people still like waxed cotton jackets. BNCB

waxed jacket

nepromokavá bunda (z voskového plátna)

Harriet stood there in breeches and waxed jacket, holding a rope halter and a plastic bucket. BNCB

Gone was the waxed jacket and jeans, replaced by a dinner-jacket that made him look formal and distinguished --; and even more dangerously attractive. BNCB

With a brief announcement that she was going out, she grabbed a waxed jacket from the hall and ran out to the Volvo, her stomach in knots as she unlocked the door. BNCB

wear black

chodit v černém

Although Southall likes to wear black --; he was head to toe in it on international duty for Wales in Belgium on Wednesday --; he hasn't lost his colourful sense of humour. BNCB

Averland's soldiers wear black and yellow. BNCB

Although she was a widow, she didn't usually wear black. BNCB

wear one´s heart on one´s sleeve

mít srdce na dlani, mít co na srdci, to na jazyku

She is wearing her heart on her sleeve and everyone knows that she is having problems with her boyfriend again. IC

John's always worn his heart on his sleeve, so there's no doubt who he'll be supporting. CIDI

It is not always great to wear your heart on your sleeve. Lingua

wear out/down/thin

obnosit, opotřebovat se

Interlining will add years to the life of your curtains and you are likely to tire of them well before they wear out. BNCB

" If you wore iron boots on your feet, you would wear out twelve pairs of them before you found her! BNCB

Truly sir to wear out their shoes to get myself into more work. BNCB

wear the trousers/pants

být hlava rodiny, rozhodovat

I don't think there's any doubt about who wears the trousers in their house. CIDI

She seems to wear the pants in her family and is always telling her husband what to do. IC

My wife is trying to wear the pants in our family, but it is impossible. Lingua

wear thin

ošoupat se, ošlapat se, docházet, ztrácet

I've warned you several times about being late and my patience is wearing thin. CIDI

This excuse about not having enough staff to run the trains is wearing rather thin, don't you think? CIDI

We had been told to wear thin summer frocks, although it was November. BNCB

wear through

roztrhat nošením

Till our bums wear through the three piece. BNCB

In each case, it has to go into a sail pocket and, to avoid wear through abrasion, the rod should have cappings or a Dacron polyester tape reinforcement at each end, or the fabric will soon become pierced. BNCB

As their men humped coarse sacks down this narrow lane, the gritty sugar inside would wear through the hessian and rub raw against their shoulders. BNCB

wear two hats

mít dvě zaměstnání, dvě funkce

Because I breed racehorses, I also am a farmer so I wear two hats, but I've actually seen foxes sit down we move the hounds move in, si sit down and scratch in the middle of a field, and then they think ah! BNCB

Her husband died five years ago, she has two small children, that is why she wears two hats, she must provide enough food for them. Wasp

 Nowadays, he wears two hats so that his son John could go to university. Lingea

wedding dress

svatební šaty

She says to tell you she's seen Princess Di's wedding dress in a Coney Island store front and should she check it out for you? BNCB

The ceremony was held in a hotel, complete with flowers, wedding dress and all the trimmings. BNCB

He found his father's suits, carefully folded and smelling even now of camphor, and his mother's wedding dress, the silk rotting and the lace yellow with age. BNCB

wet suit


Unless you live in a warm climate a wet suit will be a necessity, as it is very difficult to learn anything if you are cold and shivering. BNCB

A wet suit will also enable you to spend more time on the water than if you only venture out when the sun is shining. BNCB

The wet suit should be tight fitting and allow reasonable freedom of movement. BNCB

wet the clothes

počůrat se, pomočit se

Small children frequently wet their clothes. Lingua

She was feeling really embarrassed because she wet the clothes before my eyes. Lingua

It is not normal to wet the clothes at the age of seven. BNC-B

white-collar workers


Routine white-collar workers include such groups as clerks, secretaries and shop assistants. BNCB

Others claim that routine white-collar workers still belong to the middle class. BNCB

It is offensive of the company to give an assurance to hourly-paid staff, but not extend it to white-collar workers. BNCB

winter coat

zimní plášť, kabát

It is also difficult to save for an emergency such as house repairs or other expenses like a new winter coat. BNCB

He's got his big winter coat on with silver buttons and his tall hat. BNCB 

I was dressed in a heavy winter coat and still wore my gloves. BNCB

wool socks

vlněné ponožky

Black leather loafers, £79.99, Jones The Bootmaker; grey wool socks, Burlington. BNCB

Three pairs of navy wool socks and a white-spotted red cotton scarf made up the total. BNCB

In winter my mother loves wearing wool socks. Lingea