úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.05
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

be streets ahead

mať navrch, byť lepší

1. As pure driving machines, there is no real comparison; the Mercedes is streets ahead. BNC

2. It's also an opportunity to say that the US supermarket papers are streets ahead when it comes to headline writing. BNC

3. Its disciplined four-year plans, they say, are streets ahead of the budgeting in most other government bodies. BNC

be stuck in a rut

upadnúť do rutiny

1. He was concerned that they were getting stuck in a rut and that he was not getting much creative thinking, though his company needed innovation for survival. BNC

2. A view emerged that the EC was stuck in a rut, and was losing its vision and direction. BNC

3. It`s clear the economy is still stuck in a rut. CIDoI

be the brains behind

stáť za niečím, byť v pozadí (organizátor)

1. There could be one or more brains behind the killing but whoever struck the blow, albeit a henchman, was Kingsmarkham born and bred. BNC

2. While such graphic interpretations of how Hendrix and his music influenced artists of the '60s were important, the brains behind the exhibition felt that the man was too big an icon to remain stuck in the past. BNC

3. Peter Rogers and Gerald Thomas, the brains behind all 30 of the Carry On films, remember Carry On Camping as one of their funniest and most successful pictures. BNC

be well up on

vyznať sa v niečom

1. I'm not very well up on dinosaurs. BNC

2. Not only are they one of the best campaigning organisations around, keeping the welfare of British birds well up on the conservation agenda, their quarterly magazine is full of interesting information on different species as well as tips on the best places to go. BNC

3. I`m not very well up on Ancient Greek history. CIDoI

bide one's time

využiť čas

1. Bide your time, be patient and take the opportunity to think through an ambitious aim. BNC

2. Unfortunately you now appear to be experiencing a rather peculiar phase in which nothing seems to go according to plan and all you can do is bide your time and wait for others to come to their senses. BNC

3. Be patient, tolerant and bide your time. BNC



"...a binding decission..."

bite off more than you can chew

naložiť si viacej práce, než sa dá zvládnuť

1. I thought I could finish this report within a month, but I bit off more than I could chew. Google

2. I went skiing last weekend and I went down the most difficult hill first. I bit off more than I could chew. Google

3. I want you to think carefully about how many people you need for this project. Be sure not to bite off more than you can chew. Google

black economy

práce placená v hotovosti na ruku ("nepřiznané peníze")

business activity and income which people do not record in order to avoid paying tax on it

The recent cocklers’ tragedy at Morecambe Bay is just the tip of the iceberg of a black economy that goes far beyond illegal immigrants.

blind date

rande na slepo

1. Once seated , Denice tells us she 's only been on a blind date once before , and that was years ago. WASPS

2. Elham , whom he met on a Beirut blind date, and for whom he converted to Islam, is more blunt. WASPS

3. I agreed to go on a blind dat with one of Savita`s ex-boyfriends. CIDoI

blue collar job

Manual job, requiring physical strenth and stamina rather than intellect


robotník, robotnícky

1. Unions have accepted automation since there has been a shortage of blue-collar labour and, in any case, large firms guarantee most jobs (for men) until retiring age. BNC

2. The numbers of blue-collar foreigners are estimated to have increased five-fold last year and Justice Ministry officials say, privately, that there are close to half a million "illegals" in a nation of 120 million people. BNC

3. The largest section of blue-collar workers, those on grade three, are presently paid £215.31 basic plus an attendance supplement of £8.49. BNC


bogus (faked) - padělaný, nekrytý podvod

He gave us a bogus check, we have been deceived!



This year business is booming, so we can increase our investments.

bore the pants off

unudiť k smrti

1. Now, and while anxious not to bore the pants off either of my faithful readers, I feel bound to return to and to expand upon the theme as a result of what I consider to be a truly appalling piece of recent news. BNC

2. That movie will bore the pants off you. It lasts for five hours and
nothing happens - people talk about love and death and flowers. That's it! Google

3. I hate sunbathing It bores the pants off me. CIDoI


branch - odvětví

There are many other branches under the heading of the term industry.