martes, 16 de julio de 2024, 17:32
Sitio: OpenMoodle
Curso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glosario: WORK & LEISURE



breach of a contract, law...

break even

krýt režijní náklady

The company didn't make money nor lose money during the last month. They just broke even.


If you plan to give a gift, always give it to the company. A gift to one person is considered a bribe. (Singapore)

bring home the bacon

zarábať na živobytie

1.  I felt a responsibility to take care of my child . That was the motivation to bring home the bacon. WASPS

2. You don't have to be high tech, even in a high tech industry, to bring home the bacon. BNC

3. Get up a bit earlier and try a bit harder To bring home the bacon for the larder. WASPS

bring out the best in

z niekoho dostať to najlepšie

1. Giles had a remarkable ability to bring out the best in his students and juniors, and by conveying his faith in them he gave them faith in themselves. BNC

2. This approach places a great burden on parents, since it requires tolerance and endless patience; but it can bring out the best in the child. BNC

3. Crises are supposed to bring out the best in people. BNC

bring sth up

upozornit na co, začít hovořit o čem, nadhodit co

I remember that during our last meeting you brought up your plan for a new marketing strategy - would you mind giving me a little more detail, please?

bring the house down

zabaviť obecenstvo

1. Plant says the act'll bring the house down. BNC

2. McCoist, meanwhile, will attempt to reach the milestone of his 50th goal of the season with a plea to the Rangers fans to bring the house down. BNC

3. The clown sang a duet with the talking horse, which brought the house down every night. CIDoI



We need to increase our budget for the new product.

burn the candle at both ends


1. She`d been burning the candle at both ends studying for her exams and made herself ill. CIDoI

2. But as you are determined to live it up and have a good time, you must watch your health and try not to burn the candle at both ends. BNC

3. So get back to work, stream down those torch beams, work overtime, burn the candle at both ends, slog on when I'm asleep, and remember, I'm supporting you. BNC

burn the midnight oil

pracovať dlho do noci

1. You'll burn the midnight oil just to earn a crust. BNC

2. To become a doctor, you have to burn the midnight oil. Google

3. I`ve got to get this report finished by tomorrow so I guess I`ll be burning the midnight oil tonight. CIDoI

business as usual

všetko po starom

1. Despite the political reforms, many members of the security forces are carrying on business as usual. BNC

2. But the appearance of stately progress masks frenetic activity below the surface as officials try to ensure business as usual once the votes are counted. BNC

3. Therefore it seems clear that the real issue is neither closure nor business as usual. BNC

business card


Morrison says she has seen American executives look at business cards from Latin American clients and not realize that a Hispanic father's surname is listed first, followed by the mother's.

business is business

práca je práca, práca nepočká

1. However, business is business and pleasure is pleasure. BNC

2. But business is business wherever you are. BNC

3. But she has this threatening jacket, a dark linen one which she can pop on over the Lycra, and it has big shoulders and big assertive buttons and nips in at the waist, and this means, "Fun I may be, but business is business and I will rip your arms and legs off in the boardroom if you let me." BNC

business partner

obchodní partner

We work for lasting relationships with our business partners.

bussiness conditions (trade terms)

obchodní podmínky

Before you sign the contract, make sure you go through the trade terms carefully.