úterý, 16. července 2024, 21.50
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

end user

finální uživatel

The new software makes the system easier for the end user.


a testimonial sometimes from a public figure about the "great" features of a product.

The Beckhams provide many endorsements for sporting goods.

enter market

vstoupit na trh

Eastern Europe and other developing countries enter the world market.


a company or business activity as a whole

A growing enterprise must have a bold leader



An entrepreneur risks his own capital, services, and skills in a company...


She helps expatriates adjust to Indian culture.



When you start a business, the expenses are very high.


odborná znalost, kvalifikace

Lack of computer expertise is not an OMV´ s problem.


fall behind ON sth

opožďovat se s čím (nedodržovat termíny plateb, výroby atd.)
  • Many countries have fallen behind ON their repayments to the World bank because they simply have too many internal problems. - Mnoho zemí se opožďuje se splátkami Světové bance...
  • fall behind ON the rent payments by more than three months. - opozdit se s platbou nájmu o více než tři měsíce

fall behind sb/sth

zůstat pozadu za kým/čím
to fail to develop at the same rate as something else, or to fail to achieve a standard reached by other people
  • In the early 1990's, the company was falling dangerously behind its rivals. - zůstávala nebezpečně pozadu
  • Due to his illness, Mr. Davis will fall behind his colleagues this year. - kvůli nemoci zůstane pan Davis letos pozadu za svými kolegy.

fall down on the job


1. Mr Patten promises that the Government will allow  the public to take local authorities to court if they fall down on the job of keeping the streets clean. BNC

2. As every woman knows, her hair is her crowning glory, or rather she knows that it should be, but there are those of us who are unhappily aware that, too often, our looks fall down on the job. BNC

3. The armed forces will take over if the local authorities fall down on the job. CIDoI

fall in line

prispôsobiť sa (pravidlám)

1. The first promise of money would be hardest to get, but once it was in the bag the others, not wanting to be left out, would fall in line. BNC

2. Although we were in fact exempt from this, our management wisely decided that we should fall in line with the principle of the new regulations. BNC

3. Macedonia had amended its constitution on Jan. 6, to fall in line with EC criteria for recognition. BNC

fall-off in orders

decline in orders


upevňovací součástky (nuts and bolts: šrouby a matice)

faux pas

To commit a faux pas (a slip or blunder (hrubý omyl) in etiquette, manners or conduct) while traveling