úterý, 16. července 2024, 22.32
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)


počty, výpočty, údaje
According to the last figures, the building industry is booming.

fill somebody`s shoes

nastúpiť po niekom na jeho miesto

1. In the three years after his retirement, Britain chalked up no fewer than four prime ministers until Earl Grey managed to fill his shoes. BNC

2. In any case, young Gavin can always fill his shoes if he doesn't appear; he's been acting as understudy. BNC

3. It will take a very special person to fill Barbara`s shoes. CIDoI

fill the bill

byť kvalifikovaný, hodiť sa na určitú pozíciu

1. I´m looking for someone with several years of publishing experienceand you seem to fit the bill. CIDoI

2. The city needs a strong leader, and the new mayor just doesn`t fill the bill. CIDoI

3. Another repulsive force, the so-called C- field that Fred Hoyle and I used in the context of the steady-state cosmology, does however fill the bill admirably. BNC

first quarter

In May, DaimlerChrysler sold the Chrysler group, which reported a $2 billion first-quarter loss this year.

první čtvrtletí, "první kvartál" (slang)

flexible hours

flexibilná pracovná doba

1. These social-work teachers may have a school base; certainly they would have flexible hours in order that they could meet the needs of young people during times when schools were closed (early evenings, long holidays). BNC

2. Most people who arrange to work flexible hours do so because they want to spend time with their families, as well as pursue a career. BNC

3. The practice of nurses working flexible hours, which is largely controlled by the needs of the nursing team, has to date been given little attention. BNC

for kicks

pre vzrušenie z nebezpečenstva

1. The great spread of drug-taking among the young during this time can also be seen either as doing it for kicks, or looking for a road out of materialistic culture. BNC

2. Court told of hacker who caused chaos for kicks. BNC

3. I believe the professional thieves are more ethical at least they're stealing for a practical reason, not just for kicks. BNC


foreclosure - vyvlastnění, převzetí zadlužené firmy, propadnutí zástavy


franchise - koncese (licence k podnikání)

They sold their franchise for millions of dollars to the Chinese company.


generous redundancy package


generous redundancy payment

get a kick out of

mať niečo rád, užívať si to

1. My previous experiences had made me wonder if white policemen didn't get a kick out of black policemen investigating black citizens. BNC

2. I still get a kick out of listening to records that don't have an ingrained time period, records by people like The Cravats or Metal Urban or early Cabaret Voltaire. BNC

3. That's about as stupid as saying you became a nurse because you get a kick out of emptying bedpans. BNC

get into gear

rozbehnúť sa (o práci)

1. After a few days out of the office it always takes me a while to get into gear when I come back. CIDoI

2. If the project does not get into gear now and if we go back to the drawing board, it will be decades before we get another scheme that is worked through to the present level. BNC

3. Disorganised French industry was slow to get into gear, and when it did it committed the traditional error, not emulated by the Germans, of having too many models. BNC

get on with sth

postoupit, pokročit s čím

  • How are you getting on with learning Chinese? - Jak pokračujete s čínštinou?
  • I hope the Research and Development boys are getting on with designing the new system. We really need it if we are to stay ahead of the competition. - Doufám, že lidé ve výzkumném a vývojovém oddělení už pokročili s návrhem toho nového systému. Velice ho potřebujeme, máme-li si udržet náskok před konkurencí.

get one`s head down

ponoriť sa do práce

1. "When it comes to business I think it is important to get your head down and deal with the accountants and lawyers," she says. BNC

2. In a minute he would go and run a hot bath, luxuriate in it for ten minutes or so, and then get his head down. BNC

3. I`m sure I can finish the article - I just need to get my head down this afternoon. CIDoI

get one´s act together

efektívne si zorganizovať povinnosti

1. If these people could ever get their act together, they could produce unbearble wines. CIDoI

2. You´d better get your act together and start looking for a job. CIDoI

3. WIGAN boss John Monie has warned British rugby league: "Get your act together or you'll never be world champions." BNC

get something over with

mať to najťažšie za sebou

1. I had tried to be first in order to get it over with quickly but now it was clear that I would be under the gaze of most if not all of the class. BNC

2. Better get it over with, her mind urges her exhausted body, then at least you'll get a couple of hours sleep before dawn. BNC

3. I`ve made an appointment to have my wisdom tooth out tomorrow morning. I just want to get it over with. CIDoI