úterý, 16. července 2024, 22.18
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

get the hang of

naučiť sa niečo robiť

1. Pushing the wheelbarrow should have been child's play, but I still could not get the hang of it. BNC

2. She began to feel that if she did this a few more times she would get the hang of it. BNC

3. He scribbled a few lines on a scrap sheet to get the hang of Sampson's cramped style, and then he started to fill in the form. BNC

get the push

byť prepustený z práce

1. It's not much of a job, but these days I wouldn't want to get the push. BNC

2. I hear NIck got the push from the brickworks last week. CIDoI

3. The group begins discussing some of the other that they hope will now get the push from Major's cabinet. BNC

get the sack

dostať padáka

1. My bet is that Liverpool won't win anything this year and Souness will get the sack. BNC

2. The rumour was that Peace was told he would get the sack, if he dared to criticize Andrew's conduct again. BNC

3.  I'm just a counterman, and if my boss knew my wife worked I should get the sack, because people would think he didn't pay me enough'. BNC

get through sth

dokončit co, být hotov s čím
  • Let us all keep the comments brief and to the point, otherwise we will never get through the agenda. - Naše komentáře by měly být stručné a k věci, jinak nikdy neprobereme všechny body jednání.
  • Once you get through the first six months with the company, you´ll find the work much easier. - Práce ve firmě vám bude připadat snazší, jakmile tu překonáte prvnío půl roku.

get/put one`s head down

pospať si

1. If he got his head down for a couple of hours he would be nice and fresh for the evening. BNC

2. I`m just going to put my head down for an hour - I feel so tired. CIDoI

3. I'm a bit tired, to be honest; I'm going to get my head down for a while. BNC

give a notice (hand in a notice)

dát výpověď

When you finish a job you should normally give or be given a notice

give somebody a bell

niekomu zavolať

1. Give me a bell when you get home so I know you´re OK. CIDoI

2. what I'll do when I'm ready I'll give you a bell which means it'll be what ten, fifteen minutes from then to picking you up. BNC

3. Because it's more than a week away, I'll give you a bell close to the time, just to make sure you, everything's alright. BNC

give somebody a hand

podať pomocnú ruku

1. Why don't you give me a hand with the rest of the work? BNC

2. When I've found out when she can come and give me a hand, I'll give you a ring. BNC

3. There's some people standing round watching me, but they don't give me a hand. BNC

give sth out

1. oznámit, ohlásit co
  • give out the results of the interviews. - oznámit výsledky pohovorů
2. vyd(áv)at, rozdat, rozdělit, distrubuovat co
  • give out some free gifts to our retailers - rozdat našim maloobchodníkům nějaké dárky
  • give out copies of the annual report - rozdat výtisky výroční zprávy

give the game away

pokaziť zábavu

1. She guarded her secret carefully, terrified she was going to suffer from morning sickness, which might give the game away to her mother, but she'd been lucky. BNC

2. Unfortunately, Godwin's illustrative examples give the game away. BNC

3. We were trying to pretend we didn´t know it was her birthday but Sam gave the game away. CIDoI

go all out

dať do toho všetko, urobiť maximum

1. Generally, it is best to send out a strong opener, that is someone who can be relied upon to go all out for a victory. BNC

2. Under the STV popularity is nevertheless what our MPs would have to go all out for if they wanted to be re-elected. BNC

3. Under the new captaincy of Ken Mentle, the club decided not to go all out for the title but simply to consolidate their Premier Division status. BNC

go bankrupt


Apparently, they have just gone bankrupt.

go for broke

risknúť všetko

1. Go for broke, and be undeterred in your search for the possible dream. BNC

2. I had done well in my O-levels, but I had already won the Under-16 British squash championships, and I decided to go for broke and turn professional and see how I got on. BNC

3. I decided to go for broke, and get up a performance of my own. BNC

go from rags to riches

vypracovať sa z chudáka na boháča

1. I used the analogy of a family that goes from rags to riches and back to rags in three or four generations. BNC

2. With titles like Bound to Rise, Luck and Pluck , and Sink or Swim , they inspired millions of readers with a gloriously simple message: in America you can go from rags to riches. BNC

3. People who go from rags to riches are often afraid the good life will be snatched away from them. CIDoI

go from strength to strength

byť čoraz viac úspešný

1. Anyway, to get back to our story; over the years we went from strength to strength, moving to a rented warehouse and then four years ago my husband bought an old cinema. BNC

2. In a year when all other parts of the charitable sector have been hit by the drop in disposable income, environmental charities have gone from strength to strength. BNC

3. Washington's career went from strength to strength in the '40s and '50s, but her private life is the stuff of folklore. BNC