úterý, 16. července 2024, 22.37
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

go into overdrive

pustiť sa do niečoho s vervou

1. The tabloid press went into overdrive at the news that the princess was getting married again. CIDoI

2. With her exams only two weeks away, she`s gone into overdrive and is studying ten hours a day. CIDoI

3. Barry Lane went into overdrive in Switzerland, but still could not keep up with speeding Spaniard Miguel Angel Jimenez. BNC

go off well/badly

vydařit se/ nevydařit se

If this meeting with our Italian competitors goes off well, I think we can look forward to a very bright future.

go on strike

vyhlásiť štrajk

1. Judges are receiving firearms training from police but have threatened to go on strike as promised protection has not materialised. BNC

2. If workers hold a democratic vote to go on strike for whatever reason, it will becomes a Labour government to legislate to make it unlawful. BNC

3. And if tutors go on strike because they don't get more money, it certainly won't be the students who notice. BNC

go out on the town

ísť sa večer zabaviť

1. We'd go out on the town, hit a few cocktail parties, go dancing...BNC

2. Neighbours say he has kept a low profile since moving in, prefering to stay by the pool than go out on the town. BNC

3. Give me a moment or two to change my clothes and leave a note for Jules, then we'll go out on the town.BNC

go places

preraziť, mať úspech

1. United seem to have found their confidence… if they find the finishing touch they can really go places. BNC

2. If you're young, enthusiastic, need to go places fast, and only live. BNC

3. Playing regularly in south Wales has helped us to go places and 10 years on it's nice to crown it with a win like this. BNC

go through

projít, probrat, zkontrolovat co

I have gone through these plans thoroughly and I can find nothing wrong with them.

go through the motions

robiť niečo nasilu

1. Cos there's no point in coming back and doing a second appointment and just go through the motions because that will lead to what? BNC

2. Players just go through the motions and their lack of pleasure is conveyed to the crowds. BNC

3. The person who is justified, the church which believes this, Christians who believe in a God who changes lives, cannot just simply go through the motions. BNC

go to great pains

urobiť všetko, čo je v mojich silách

1. However, composers often go to great pains to keep to true intervals. BNC

2. I went to great pains to get this record for you. CIDoI

3. None of these tell us exactly where this house stood but go to great pains to state that a field of this name is still extant. BNC

go to the great lengths

urobiť všetko, čo je v niečich silách

1. Prime ministers go to great lengths to preserve public appearances over collective responsibility. BNC

2. Adam knew that Elinor would go to great lengths to avoid being called unprofessional. BNC

3. At the BBC, we try to reproduce sounds as accurately as possible, particularly in wildlife where we go to great lengths to find the right noises to fit the locations and species. BNC

go to the wall


1. Drivers left the trade, garages went to the wall. BNC

2. Those who could stand the pace flourished; those who could not went to the wall. BNC

3. In the first six months of this year nearly 30,000 small firms went to the wall; a third up on 1991. BNC

golden handcuffs

prídavky pre zamestnanca, ktorého si chce spoločnosť udržať

1. LONDON WEEKEND TELEVISION is facing difficulties over its golden handcuffs share scheme designed to lock 40 top managers and programme-makers into their jobs. BNC

2. Company pensions were the golden handcuffs which chained staff to a company. BNC

3. What that group wants to know, of course, is what he will do when the golden handcuffs come off at the end of next year. BNC

golden handshake (bonus)

odměna za předčasný odchod

considerable amount of money paid to someone as a token of appreciation for his faithfullness and many years of service to the company

greener pastures

lákavejšie zamestnanie

1. Family farmers have been worst hit, their incomes fell by 14% last year, and almost 6,000 left the land for greener pastures. WASPS

2. There was probably nothing particularly distasteful about working at Cattle Market School in Holloway - despite its rather down-to-earth title - but Benjamin sought greener pastures, nevertheless. WASPS

3. A lot of scientists are seeking greener pastures abroad because of the scarcity of opportunities at home. CIDoI

grey matter

šedé bunky

1. She wondered if she could think with what was left of her grey matter. BNC

2. With all the intelligence of a mouldy pea, Ian Osborne stretches his grey matter just trying to remember his name. BNC

3. I only wish I had half your grey matter. BNC

grind to a halt


1. All other production would grind to a halt tomorrow if women weren't producing these workers. BNC

2. Yet in the 1960S some members of the credit industry had feared it would grind to a halt unless they could threaten promise-breakers with prison. BNC

3. Without their support some of the giants of British business would quickly grind to a halt. BNC