středa, 17. července 2024, 00.37
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

Human Resources

lidské zdroje, personalistika

Human Resources manager is usually a good communicator in a company.


inflation that has got out of hand


immersed in one's work

ponořený/ zabraný do práce

He works really hard all the time. I've never seen anyone so immersed in his work.

in the lap of luxury

v blahobyte, v prepychu

1. It was exciting to travel by private plane and helicopter with courtiers standing to attention, to be driven in a limousine the size of a small house, and to stay in palaces and castles in the lap of luxury. BNC

2. Mr Skinner insisted: `;There will always be a need for socialism, whether in Britain or anywhere else, so long as there are millionaires living in the lap of luxury and other people living in cardboard boxes. BNC

3. They live in the lap of luxury in a huge great house in the south of France. CIDoI

in the line of duty

pri výkone práce

1. The authority records about 100 cases of physical assaults to staff in the line of duty every year. BNC

2. There should be mandatory minimum jail terms for crimes like these and if a police officer is killed in the line of duty it should be classified as a capital offence. BNC

3. It was the fourth time in five years she had been injured in the line of duty. BNC

inflation rate

míra inflace



We agreed to pay for the car by/in instalments.

insurance policy

- a written agreement between an insurance company and a person who wants insurance which states the rules of the agreement

I took out a travel insurance policy before I boarded the plane.

Intellectual property

duševní vlastnictví

All international businesses are having to spend more on protecting their intellectual property.


interest - extra money needed to pay back borrowed money, ÚROK 
"When you pay back the 100,000 euros, you must also pay 10% interest, so the total will be 110,000 euros."


Technologies are changing, we should invest more in research.



I will send you my inovice this week.


job prospects

vyhliadky na získanie práce

1. Many of the emigrants are skilled workers confident of their job prospects. BNC

2. People register as unemployed in order to draw unemployment benefit, supplementary benefits or national insurance credits, and to receive information about what jobs are available; they can also receive help and advice on their job prospects. BNC

3. Although targeting employment through the labour market is inevitably uncertain, skills training certainly improves the job prospects of local people. BNC

jobs for the boys

práca po známosti

1. Councillor John Murphy told The Scotsman last week that he had proof to back up jobs for the boys, claims in Monklands. BNC

2. It smacks of jobs for the boys. BNC

3. A Monklands regional Labour councillor said yesterday that he has proof to back up allegations of jobs for the boys; in Monklands District Council. BNC

joint-stock company (Plc)

akciová společnost

The modern joint-stock corporation has many sources in medieval Europe.