úterý, 16. července 2024, 23.42
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

plan sth out

rozplánovat si něco, rozvrhnout (si) co
  • you must plan out the details in the most careful detail possible. - musíte si co nejpečlivěji rozplánovat všechny maličkosti.

play God

hrať sa na Boha

1. Some of us play God through our use of language. BNC

2. Surely it is not the scientists who are guilty of hubris here but their accusers, in implying that humans could play God. BNC

3. In his veto message Sinner warned against the abuse of governmental power, stating that government" must not play God". BNC

play second fiddle

hrať druhé husle

1. Throughout her married life she had to play second fiddle to the interests of her husband. BNC

2. So good was his work, so fulfilling of my ambitions, that I have been well content to let my narrative in this book play second fiddle to his excellent photographs. BNC

3. You`ll have to choose between your wife and me. I won`t play second fiddle to anyone. CIDoI

plough sth into sth

investovat peníze do čeho, hov. vrazit (peníze) do čeho
  • I ploughed all my money into one single investment fund. - Vložil/vrazil jsem všechny své peníze do jediného investičního fondu.

point sth out

poukázat, upozornit na co, zmínit se o čem

When you speak at the Annual General Meeting you must point out that our poor results over the past three months were due to the drivers´ strike


taktika, postup

Change your policy on dumping waste.


- the person to whom an insurance policy is issued


zájmy, pohnutky

He is a victim of internal politics.

Practice makes perfect.

cvičením k dokonalosti

1. Do not resent the number of essays you have to write, as the old saying goes, practice makes perfect! BNC

2. The old adage "practice makes perfect",  must be kept in mind when one begins to despair. BNC

3. You can`t expect to become a brilliant dancer overnight, but practise makes perfect. CIDoI



- a payment, usually monthly, yearly etc, for an insurance policy

Car insurance premiums have increased this year.

price list

I am not sure about the new price list.

proceed against sb

zažalovat, obžalovat koho

A company can proceed against its debtors if payments have not been made by the due date.

Product recall (discontinued)

stažení výrobku z trhu

Product recalls of children's toys are now very rare.

profit margin


Profit margins are not too high these days.

pull rank

využiť(zneužiť) svoje postavenie

1. Distinguished people make a practice of visiting the opera, and pull rank so as to meet the artistes, especially attractive females.BNC

2. He doesn`t have authority to pull rank on me any more. CIDoI

3. She was boss of forty or more people but, to her credit, she never once pulled rank. CIDoI