úterý, 16. července 2024, 22.16
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

pull the strings

riadiť (organizáciu), "ťahať za nitky"

1. I may be able to pull a few strings for you if you need the document urgently. CIDoI

2. You just pull the strings and I do what ever you want. BNC

3. For generations they have been led to believe that Britain and America secretly pull the strings in their country. BNC

pull up one´s socks

pohnout zadkem, začít něco dělat

If you aren't satified with someone and want them to do better, you can tell them to pull up their socks. (www.usingenglish.com)

He's going to have to pull his socks up if he wants to stay in the team. (thefreedictionary)

You can take breaks or naps, but the clock continues to tick as you do so; generally, it behooves one to just pull up one's socks and keep going.(Google)

pump iron

posilňovať, dvíhať činky

1. They pump iron for hours every morning. BNC

2. Even his face was muscular, as though he pumped iron with his ears. BNC

3. These days, both men and women pump iron for fitness. CIDoI

purchasing power

kupní síla

put back

put back - odložit, oddálit, odsunout, pozdržet
That is too much money for us to spend at present. We will have to put back buying it until we have more funds.

put in

put in - přihlásit se, ucházet se; předložit
I am very unhappy with the service and I intend to put in a complaint.
I do not think I will get the job but I decided to put in an application anyway.

put in a good word for

prihovoriť sa za niekoho

1. He put in a good word for me and it went on from there. BNC

2. The producers told me later that I got the job because of the winning chemistry between us ; and that Pauline had put in a good word for me. BNC

3. The landlord of the inn which Ernest visited when his mother and his wife became too much for him knew of a coffee-house in the town which needed a kitchenmaid, and because he put in a good word for her, Ruth was given the job without references. BNC

put on market

uvést na trh

Two leading North Yorkshire inns have been put on the market .

put one`s heads together

dať hlavy dokopy

1. After the two cross-examinations, lasting perhaps ten or fifteen minutes in all, the two counsel put their heads together for a minute, and then one of them addresses the rest of the gathering, who have acted as jury, and submits that the alibi has been broken down because of this and that discrepancy. BNC

2. The result was that, although all four teams put their heads together in the pub, there were almost as many theories as there were people. BNC

3. His long term objective is to re-establish the economic basis of Berlin by persuading researchers of industry to put their heads together and devise some new products. BNC

put one`s shoulder on the wheel

priložiť ruku k dielu

1. If you want a share of the profits, put your shoulder to the wheel. Google

2. If everyone puts their shoulder to the wheel, the job will be finished in no time. CIDoI

3. Instead of having to stand on his head, he is runing hard and putting his shoulder to the wheel because, of course, he is a member of the No Turning Back group. BNC

put pen to paper

začať písať

1. Surrounded by admiring fans, the young author put pen to paper with an already practiced style, pretty slick for a 10 year old, especially considering he wrote his book when he was 7. BNC

2. I decided to put pen to paper and let you know of a few problems some of us have in trying to become machine knitters. BNC

3. The letter from Kate Westwood in your February edition prompted me to put pen to paper. BNC

put something on hold

niečo odložiť

1. If you have failed to brief them properly then they have little option but to either put it on hold or send it back as it came out and let you sort it out. BNC

2. The project has been put on hold until our financial position improves. CIDoI

3. Mr Murdoch also told the meeting that plans for Media Partners International, the investment vehicle, had been put on hold. BNC 

put sth forward

předložit co

The Chief Accountant was invited to put forward his detailed proposals for change in the company´s fiscal policy at the next meeting of the Executive Board.


used to request reply: used on an invitation to request a response to it

[Abbreviation of French répondez s'il vous plaît]


ramifications - následky

How much does a World Series appearance mean to a team’s bottom line. Boston Red Sox executives discuss the financial ramifications.