úterý, 16. července 2024, 20.38
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

rule the roost

rozhodovať, vládnuť

1. It was my mother who ruled the roost at home. CIDoI

2. The reason is, I think, partly that in this particular society men rule the roost and women have a low status and few rights they can directly exercise. BNC

3. When their mother died in 1890, the eldest daughter, who was by then thirty years old, was allowed to move to the first floor bedroom, and from then on she ruled the roost. BNC

run into sb/sth

potkat se, sejít se, setkat se s kým, narazit na koho/co

We could well run into problems later in the year unless we get the machine shop serviced immediately.

run over

projít (si), zopakovat (si) co

Let us just run over all the details again. I want to get everything absolutely right when I put our idea to the president of the company.

run the show

riadiť niečo

1. It turned out that these were the guys who run the show, the kingpins of British ufology. BNC

2. Mrs June Goodier, one of the organisers, said they were delighted with the response for help to run the show. BNC

3. You'd be given free rein to run the show how you wanted it. BNC


sales projections

odhady prodeje



The market for this product is saturated, we need to start selling something else.

schooling / training


All the employees are supposed to attend the next schooling.

see life

zažiť svet, užiť si život

1. I see it fantastically in the pages of books I read and in a true sense I see life through the leaves of the willow tree. BNC

2. Young people should see life before they get jobs and buy houses and do other boing things like that! CIDoI

3. He`s decided to do a round-the-world trip, he wants to see life a bit before he starts university. CIDoI

sell sth off

rozprodat, vyprodat (co), (levně) odprodat co

If you want a new car you will get an excellent deal with us for the next two weeks - we are selling off all last year´s models to make room for the new ones.

set somebody up for life

niekoho zabezpečiť na celý život

1. If you have got any sense, a lump sum of 400k can easily set you up for life. BNC

2. He knew he was wealthy, set up for life, but he was already being made to pay for the taking of those lives: almost every night since, he had been troubled by dreams in which he found himself face to face once more with his victims. BNC

3.His father died when he was young and the inheritance set him up for life. CIDoI

set up business

založit podnik/ obchod/ firmu

When two or more people set up a business together, they form a partnership.


dohoda, vyrovnání, likvidace pojistné události


podíl, akcie

Investors are having to pay a higher price for the company's shares.

share holder


short-term contract

dočasná zmluva

1. The" new" short-term contract working is a conjuncturally specific phenomenon which will recede in importance as the pressures which have induced its appearance weaken. BNC

2. Short-term contract working in its traditional form has not been a subject of substantial political or academic concern, but questions have been asked as to whether the" new" short-term contract working in manufacturing is displacing regular working or undermining the conditions of the regular labour force. BNC

3. The practices of organisations in all of the sectors studied suggest that fixed-term contracts are by no means the only way in which short-term contract workers can be recruited. BNC