úterý, 16. července 2024, 20.57
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

the Midas touch

schopnosť zarábať peniaze

1. Kylie was an overnight sensation, a pop princess with the Midas touch, so ordinary and yet so electrifying. BNC

2. John Major, he said, had the exact opposite of the Midas touch. BNC

3. Profits are down-has that 80s entrepreneur lost his Midas touch? CIDoI

the morning after

ráno po party, "opica"

1. Frank`s go a bad case of the morning after. CIDoI

2. Sarella had never faced the awkwardness of the morning after, to get up and go to the bathroom. BNC

3. It was the morning after the three nights before; a bank holiday weekend rave party that started on saturday and was still going strong last night. BNC

the new kid on the block


1. Foo was perceived as the new kid on the block, the angry young gunslinger who had ridden into town to test his draw against the ageing marshal. BNC

2. What with the Santa Cruz Operation's new president Lars Turndal being the new kid on the block and a stranger to most of the people who'll have to deal with him, we thought we'd give a little of his background. BNC

3. Realizing I was the new kid on the block in this job, I was determined to prove myself. CIDoI

the nouveau riche

zbohatlíci, ktorí vystavujú svoj majetok na obdiv

1. For Americans she had scant respect and considered them to be nouveau riche upstarts, not good enough to hold a candle to the real thing. BNC

2. Nouveau riche is more interesting to look at, but of course boring to talk to. BNC

3. He is one of the country`s noveau riche who have made fortunes in shipping, hotels, and real estate. CIDoI

the Old Bill


1. First thing tomorrow he was going to phone the Chief Constable to request copies of everything the Old Bill found out. BNC

2. He called in the Old Bill over hack attack. Google

3. The Old Bill was round here yesterday, asking where you were. CIDoI

the old guard

starí zamestnanci

1. It might be the place where the young of the West come to be seen, but it is the old guard who hold their ground, the poets and writers, pamphleteers and musicians who leave their mark on the atmosphere of this enchanted city. BNC

2. His sudden rise ruffled the feathers of the old guard, "the men with beards"; as he contemptuously called them. BNC

3. She has tried to resist attempts by the old guard to halt the reform process. CIDoI

the oldest profession

najstaršie remeslo (prostitúcia)

1. Migrant campesina women can rarely expect to find jobs other than in domestic service or the informal sector, although, of course, for all women, the oldest profession; prostitution; offers an alternative to unemployment. BNC

2. Again by tradition, it's the oldest profession, it's always been with us, possibly always will. BNC

3. I believe she made a living in the oldest profession in the world. CIDoI

the powers behind the throne

niekto mocný, kto stojí v pozadí organizácie

1. In his later years, the chairman`s daughter was the power behind the throne. CIDoI

2. It is this being, the power behind the throne who acts as the unifying force of all the lesser deities, who would more appropriately be described as the God of Hinduism. BNC

3.  The power behind the throne, though it doesn't want it to appear that way, was Novell Inc. BNC

the powers that be

niekto významný, kto stojí v pozadí

1. It has been decided the powers that be, are onto the something that you are going to do your first semester exam in June. BNC

2. Sir Thomas had quarrelled with my husband over some business matter and persuaded the powers that be that my husband was no fit person to hold the position, whatever the quality of his poetry. BNC

3. It`s up to the powers that be to decide what should be done next. CIDoI

the rank and file

členovia organizácie (nie vo vedúcich pozíciách)

1. The strikes were sparked off by the rank and file, most were unofficial, and often they were resisted at the outset by national trade union leaderships. BNC

2. Leaders become less representative of the rank and file. BNC

3. Lenin's approach made the relationship between the Party and the rank and file of the proletariat seem simple. BNC

the tools of the trade

pracovné prostriedky (nástroje)

1. These books are my tools of the trade and they mean a tremedous amount to me. BNC

2. The wall to the right of the door was covered with tools of the trade; chisels and punches of every size, mostly with handles of twisted willow which allowed the smith to hold them whilst they were struck with a seven pound sledgehammer and feel no vibration. BNC

3. For the modern sales executive, a car phone is one of the tools of the trade. CIDoI

the top dog


1. No wonder he was such a top dog in the City if he wielded this calibre of authority merely via the passive act of listening! BNC

2. But he always wanted to be the one in control, the top dog, to be the one who could take off on a whim and relate his volatility to democratic individual freedom to do as one pleased; a special privilege to which only Americans were supposed to be entitled. BNC

3. Jackson was top dog and he made sure he got what he wanted.CIDoI

the top of the tree

najvyššia pozícia (pracovná)

1. The final qualification is that a print-maker, to reach the very top of the tree, must be known and appreciated by the Japanese. BNC

2. Whoever the caddie, the money will have been well earned; it is a safe bet that he or she will have had to struggle as hard as his or her player to get to the top of the tree --; while carrying forty-five pounds of dead-weight on his back for four miles and four hours as well! BNC

3. Who would have guessed that she would get to the top of the tree before her clever and talented brother? CIDoI

think big

mať veľké plány

1. When it comes to starting your own business, it can pay to think big. CIDoI

2. The task now imposed on everyone, and especially those preparing to spend the weekend in Strasbourg, is to think big and flexibly about Europe's future. BNC

3. As The Smiths grew in commercial stature, so they encountered more and more professional people, especially in America, and these people constantly told the band to think big, to think mega, to evolve into a major international unit. BNC

tighten one´s belt

utiahnuť si opasok

1. An annual season ticket in the region currently costs about GBP800 . - People are having to tighten their belts, said a BR spokesman. WASPS

2. We have to do our best to pull ourselves out of this recession and tighten our belts. WASPS

3. We will tighten the government 's belt and loosen the belt on the people. WASPS