úterý, 16. července 2024, 22.03
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

to keep some budget back

nechat si nějaké úspory (finanční prostředky) stranou (do rezervy)

I don't plan to allocate the entire budget at the moment. I intend to keep some budget back for emergencies.

to learn the ropes

to learn the rules while starting in a company

to litigate

Take legal action to settle a dispute in a court of law.

Taking disputes to court can run up huge legal bills, and that’s just the beginning. Litigation also poisons relationships and eats up time that could be better used earning more income.

to overtake


They expect to overtake all the main competitors.

to pass the buck

to pass responsibilty on to someone else

to phase something out


to phase out a product means to stop producing it gradualy and releasing it to the market

to promote

- to encourage the popularity, sale, development or existence of something:

Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.

to report to sb./ to work under sb.

Být někomu podřízen

Michael reports to John, who is a chief executive. 

to request a check

Always request your check when dining out in Spain. It is considered rude for wait staff to bring your bill beforehand.

požádat o účet

to roll out

Advertising agencies rolling out (rozbalit, přichystat) international campaigns without checking the cultural implications of their text or imagery have created some disasters.

to take over

převzít vedení

They want to take over our company, we will see if the shareholders agree.

to withdraw

- to take money out of a bank account

This credit card allows you to withdraw up to £200 a day.

to wrangle about

After the merger (fúze), German and American executives "spent a lot of time wrangling about (přít se o, hádat se) the size of the new company's business card," says Jeswald Salacuse, a professor at Tufts University's law and diplomacy school. "Would it follow the small American-size card or the larger size common in Europe?"

toe the line

dodržiavať pravidlá

1. Journalists who refuse to toe the line will have to be sacked. BNC

2. No Archbishop of Canterbury can simply pronounce to his flock, as does the Pope, and have the whole Church toe the line. BNC

3. They were no longer the oppressed, wretched teen menials who must take orders, toe the line. BNC

tough negotiator

tvrdý vyjednavač