úterý, 16. července 2024, 18.30
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)


warranty - a promise that the things you sell will be of good quality, ZÁRUČNÍ LHŮTA 
"This product has a one-year warranty, but if you pay a small fee, we can extend it to five years."

warranty claim

reklamace ze záruky

weak dollar

"slabý dolar"

A weak dollar usually leads to high exports.

while the going is good

kým všetko ide hladko

1. Better by far to invest while the going is good, to guarantee yourself an income, rather than rely on an uncertain future. BNC

2. Why not join in while the going is good and take the remaining few animals or trees whatever the cost, because you will never reinherit your traditional grounds. BNC

3. If you are unsure about marrying him, get out now while the going is good. CIDoI

white collar job

Job involving making use of one's intellectual capabilities, in general any office job


kancelárske zamestnanie

1. The earnings of women in white-collar jobs are the second highest in Britain. CIDoI

2. Professionals and white-collar employees nowadays increasingly find their status and conditions under attack. BNC

3. He argues that over the last century or so the number of white-collar jobs has increased rapidly, but at the same time the skill required to do the jobs has been reduced. BNC

will go a long way

bude mať úspech

1. I well remember I said to myself at the time," there is a lad who will go a long way." BNC

2. Three books on Clive Sinclair's £125 colour computer, the ZX Spectrum will go a long way. BNC

3. "I like my men older-and richer." " You`ll go a long way with ideas like that, my girl!" CIDoI

work its magic

zlepšiť niekomu náladu

1. With sound, the garden can begin to work its magic on even the youngest ears. BNC

2. The city never failed to work its magic on me. CIDoI

3. But, as Daouda Api explains, the lucky charm of literacy often fails to work its magic. BNC

work like a dog/Trojan

ťažko pracovať, drieť 

1. She'd had to work like a Trojan to achieve it, but it had been worth every drop of blood, sweat and tears. BNC

2. I ´ll make you work like a dog. BNC

3. He worked like a dog all day to finish the wallpapering. CIDoI

work like magic

zázračne fungovať

1. The sound of his name seemed to work like magic. BNC

2. I first borrowed a bottle from work and it works like magic. BNC

3. That new stain remover worked like magic. CIDoI

work to rule

zámerné spomalenie práce robotníkmi tým,že prísne doržiavajú všetky pravidlá

1. Management yesterday began suspending ambulance staff in retaliation to the work to rule tactics of the unions.BNC

2. They may grumble, work to rule, sabotage industrial machinery, take strike action or attempt to organize other members of their class in an effort to overthrow capitalism. BNC

3. When we started well we were in trouble in York When we at then we were going on the go slow system you know, we didn't produce much slate we were on the go work to rule. BNC


zaměstanci, pracovní síly

The size of the workforce will be increased by 10%.


You can`t teach an old dog new tricks.

Starého psa novým trikom nenaučíš.

1. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but I'm living proof. BNC

2. "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" means "I'm not going to change the way I do this." BNC

3. You`re never going to teach your father at the age of 79 to use a computer. You can`t teach an old dog new tricks, you know. CIDoI

young blood

mladí zamestnanci

1. These companies are suffering from a lack of young blood. CIDoI

2. Young blood, young minds, new ideas. BNC

3. We also wanted to implement a plan and this is an ongoing situation of admitting young blood to the partnership over a period of  five years. BNC