úterý, 16. července 2024, 18.37
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

bank on sb/sth

počítat s kým/čím, stavět na kom
  • The company is banking on you to achieve a successful outcome to next week´s negotiations.



to declare bankruptcy


výhodná koupě, levný nákup

Get your dream house at a real bargain.

batch number

číslo série

Each batch of a material is identified by a unique batch number, under which it is managed.

be a hard act to follow

nasadiť latku vysoko

1.The new Chairman knows his predeccessor is a hard act to follow. CIDoI

2. Robert, reserves boss at the Oval for the previous six years, will be a hard act to follow, winning the league four times, including last season. BNC

3. His successor, Per Nielsen, comes with impressive credentials but as he will be well aware, he has a hard act to follow. BNC

be a license to to print money

byť zlatou baňou, ľahký spôsob ako prísť k peniazom

1. A patent is, after all, a licence to print money for fourteen years ; if your invention is a good one, that is. BNC

2. Franchising isn't a licence to print money. BNC

3. People see music publishing as a licence to print money, which, to an extent, it is. BNC

be ahead of the pack

mať nad niekým navrch

1. He likes to be one step ahead of the pack, getting there before others do. BNC

2. But even if the results are modest, the successful innovation aims from the beginning to become the standard setter, to determine the direction of a new technology or a new industry, to create the business that is; and remains; ahead of the pack. BNC

3. The fact we are not ahead of the pack at the moment is a help because everyone is not talking about us winning it. BNC

be all mouth (and no trousers)

mať veľa rečí a žiadne skutky

1. He knew his son was all mouth and trousers. BNC

2. She says she`ll complain to the manager but I think she`s all mouth. CIDoI

3. You`re all mouth and no trousers. Why don`t you just go over there and ask her out? CIDoI

be at a loose end

nemať nič na práci, nemať čo robiť

1. The reason we drink is we're at a loose end. BNC

2. From the novelist's journalism and notebooks and letters we glean the almost comically unresonant information that being at a loose end leads men to drunkenness and murder. BNC

3. She was between jobs, at a loose end, Camb had gathered, otherwise nothing would have induced her to accompany her parents. BNC

be big on something

o niečo sa veľmi zaujímať

1. Carol with proud dad John John is big on family. BNC

2. The magazine is big on research into what their readers want. CIDoI

3. He´s not big on self-anlysis - it´s no good asking him why he left her. CIDoI

be bored to death

nudiť sa na smrť

1. And I was sponsored to be bored to death by a friend, who talked to me non-stop for three hours. BNC

2. John Major must secretly have been pleased at the way last week's royal shocker deflected attention from the summit, the rest of us were just pleased to avoid being bored to death by this most tedious of Edinburgh festivals. BNC

3. He came out from refreshments, and we were all bored to death, waiting to go round again, flings his cape round his shoulder, took his helmet off, and started dancing down the road, throwing flower petals about. BNC

be bored to tears

nudiť sa na smrť

1. Oh I was bored to tears and I was eating whole time. BNC

2. Dana had embraced the dancing and singing lessons with fervour, but Claudia, trailing behind her sister, had been bored to tears by them, and after a time her father had put an end to what he'd seen as a waste of his money and Claudia's time. BNC

3. John was found a post as a shipping clerk in the Lace Market, but was soon bored to tears with this work. BNC 

be hard up

byť na mizine

1. As a result they may always be hard up without needing to be. BNC

2. Our Joe can't be hard up he does a job and it brings him thirty grand in. BNC

3. We`re a bit hard up at the moment so I can`t really afford a new coat. CIDoI

be home and dry

niečo je v suchu

1. Barcelona looked home and dry when going 2-0 up after 31 minutes but the Russians refused to surrender and scored three goals in 16 minutes either side of half-time. BNC

2. If you have any built-in cupboards or closets you are home and dry; literally; as far as storage is concerned. BNC

3. I`ve just got one more report to write and I`ll be home and dry. CIDoI

be in the land of nod


1. But if you quite like sleeping with the offending partner for other reasons, you'll need earplugs, a light where it disturbs nobody and a good book till the warm drink you've made for consolation lulls you back to the Land of Nod . BNC

2. Rex and Harpo/Chico were all nuzzled up in the land of nod, so I took myself over to the window to watch the sun rise over Presley City. BNC

3. Joe`s in the land of nod at last. CIDoI