úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.04
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: MONEY

flat broke

úplně švorc

Mary recalls how they were flat broke and almost living hand to mouth. (BNCB)

Nothing to say, dear girl, your papa is flat broke, that´s all there is to it. (BNCB)

As they bicker, Panama is flat broke.


grease one's palm

podmazat koho (na dlaň), podplatit koho

In return, he used his position on a House subcommittee that oversees defense appropriations to steer defense contracts toward the firms that had greased his palm. Google

He apparently has cleared her debts (something he promised to do if she married him) and many times has greased her palm with cash. Google


hammer out

vypracovat, vytvořit, zplodit (zdlouhavě)

The new French government of Emille Ollivier tried to hammer out a revised constitution for the reformed Empire. (BNCB)

I managed to hammer out the brief for the marioc debate in the nick of time. (Just the Word)

You don't have to hammer it out just because we are being recorded, Jeremy!

hard up

bez peněz

1.You don't feel nearly so hard up with eleven pence in your pocket as you do with a shilling.   (Google)

2.The only thing I can think about now is being hard up.(Google)

3.We're a bit hard up at the moment so I can't really afford a new coat.(Google)

heads will roll

Budú padať hlavy, niekto si to odnesie

1. Sir Paul sympathises with Mr Meeks … but says it 's inevitable that heads will roll . BNCB

2. While the selectors have made just one change this time , it seems certain several heads will roll if Australia go two up at Lord 's . BNCB

3. Heads will roll over Athens test blunders. Google

iron out

urovnat, vyžehlit, doladit, vyladit

How to iron out those long-term problems? (BNCB)

That will iron out the ambiguities and imprecisions of everyday speech. (BNCB)

'And kissing me isn't going to iron anything out.' she said calmly. (Just the Word)


lose one's shirt

prohrát kalhoty

City commissioner Ed Phillips didn't lose his shirt playing cards this week. (Google)
If he were more honest and upright he'd lose his proverbial shirt on every day on every transaction. (Google)
He said he'd lost his shirt on that race. (Google)


make a bundle

vydělat balík

When the market went up they made a bundle. (Google)
Will the devopers make a bundle off the disaster? (Google)
Manfred made a bundle selling real estate. (Google)

make ends meet

vyjít s penězi
  1. She is forced to buy things from charity shops to make ends meet. (BNCB)
  2. It was the time of their lives when they found it hardest to make ends meet. (BNCB)
  3. She is unemployed and depends upon benefits to make ends meet. (BNCB)

money to burn

peníze na rozdávání

Christine's new boyfriend seems to have money to burn. He's always buying her extravagant gifts. (FreeDictionary)

Of course, Bennett will have money to burn until he keels over dead. (Google)

She´s bought brand new shoes, I can´t believe she can afford them. - Well, she has money to burn.(Google)


pick up the tab

zatáhnout (= zaplatit) účet

In addition, my company will pick up the tab for all legal and moving expenses. BNCB

He wouldn't pick up the tab for anyone else. BNCB

Despite the fact that the public purse had been so shamefully ripped off by the sales and the asset stripping, it was left to the ratepayers, through the local authority , to pick up the tab. BNCB

piggy bank

prasátko (pokladnička)

Drag five coins into the piggy bank that add to 27 cents. (Google)
Money is falling out of the sky and you have to collect it in your piggy bank. (Google)
Piggy banks are used to reinforce ideas of savings and spending to children; money can be easily inserted, but the pig must be broken open for it to be retreived, forcing the child to justify his or her decision. (Google)

pony up

zaplatit, uhradit

The auto maker says it will pony up 200-thousand dollars to spur the adoption of older wild horses held in captivity. (Google)

NY hospital groups want insurers to pony up for IT. (Google)

You creeps have to pony up more than $3.2 mil to see more than this!!  (Google)


saddled with debt

Mať veľa dlhov, byť zadĺžený

1. Saddled with debt , the company can not compete . BNCB

2. He left behind his illiterate widow, six months pregnant with their third child and saddled with debt. WebC

3. The world has recognised that Nigeria should not be saddled with debt contracted by its previous military dictators. WebC

salt away

uschovat, našetřit (peníze)

These accounts might allow millions of workers currently without a pension to salt away some money for their twilight years. (Google)

He has been working there for seven years and has been able to salt away quite a lot of money. (Learn4good)

That would see his second son through college, allow him to salt away more savings from yearly wages averaging close to $90,000 including substantial overtime pay, and earn additional future pension benefits, Krzeszewski says. (Google)