úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.22
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: Communication

read one's mind

číst někomu myšlenky

A machine that can read your mind? It's coming. Bad news, fellas. Japanese scientists are working to develop technology that will allow women to read our minds. (Google)

My life would be much easier if I could read your mind. (Google)

Dogs often give the appearance of being able to read your mind. What happens in actuality is that by observing you, and studying your habits and movements, they learn to anticipate your actions. (Googlebooks)

read someone the riot act

prísne pokarhanie

I bet your manager won't be too happy with you. Daniel You're right! He's going to read me the riot act when I get in. (Google)

When he was caught throwing stones at the windows, the principal read him the riot act. (Google)

The manager read me the riot act for coming in late. (Google)

registered post/recorded delivery


Send the photograph frames by registered post to Hampton Utilities (Birmingham) Ltd, 15 Pitsford Street, Hockley, Birmingham B18 6LJ (021-554 1766), explaining what needs to be done. (BNC)

Send written instructions to Harvard by registered post, and they'll have to heed them. (BNC)

Recorded delivery packets must not be dropped into a letter box. (BNC)

repeat oneself

opakovat se

Is there a point beyond which one is doomed to repeat oneself, because another re-invention means losing an established musical identity? (Google)

There, it seems that the more important one's reputation, the less one is challenged not to repeat oneself. (Google)

"I believe a volume of assorted love-letters would sell well," said the Girton Girl; "written by the same hand, if you like, but to different correspondents at different periods. To the same person one is bound, more or less, to repeat oneself." (Google)

ring true

byť pravdivý

The student's excuse for being late doesn't ring true. (Google)

Do you think that Mary's explanation for her absence rang true? (Google)

Does it not make a lot of sense because it rings true to our experience? (BNC)

roughly speaking

přibližně řečeno

Roughly speaking, square brackets in phonetic transcription are descriptive; slashes are prescriptive. (Google)

Roughly speaking, there are two fundamentally distinct kinds of democratic government: the simple rule of majority, despised by Plato but simplistically endorsed by many in the United States; and a constitutional democracy, in which the decisions of the majority of the moment are constrained by a set of rules aimed chiefly at protecting the rights of minorities, including freedom of speech and action. (Google)

I know people are going to say it depends but roughly speaking how much does an architect charge to draw up plans?(Google)


detailná správa, stručný prehľad

Hello, everyone. Williams and I will start by giving you a brief rundown. (Google)

Here's a run-down on/of the activities of our ten biggest competitors. (Google)

I must be away by eleven at the latest, though. We do the daily rundown tests then, and I must be there. (BNC)


saving account

sporiteľný účet

Both the introduction of new rules on how societies could raise funds for mortgage loans and the 1987 stock market crash -- which prompted small investors to get out of equities and put their money into building society saving accounts. (BNC)

Open a separate building society saving account. (BNC)

Increasingly it was reported that gold was being reconverted into cash, which was then deposited in new saving accounts offering high rates of interest. (BNC)

see eye to eye

souhlasit s někým

Not all married couples see eye-to-eye in terms of retirement planning. And, according to a recent
Fidelity Investments survey, only 38 percent of couples team up to tackle their retirement finances.(Google)

When you work with the public, you're going to come across people who have a different world view. Whether it be the war in Iraq, religion, who's running for local government, gay marriage, or general gossip, you may not always see eye to eye with your clients' point of view. (Google)

Newcomers and longtimers don't always see eye to eye but share a key goal. (Google)

shoot off one's mouth

vyjadřovat nepodložené názory, mluvit jako vševěd

It is never a good policy to shoot off one's mouth when knowing nothing of the facts. (Google)

Using such inelegant language is not nice for a public figure like him. To shoot off one's mouth and then apologize for it shows his crudity and insecurity. (Google)

The true mark of a person's maturity is not to shoot off one's mouth at something, but to understand and investigate it before stating your opinion. (Google)