úterý, 16. července 2024, 22.03
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: Town & Country

make a trip

jít na výlet

1. Think I need to make a trip to the city. (Google)

2. Keira Knightley may make a trip to Australia for 'Atonement' promotion. (Google)

3. Meaning of cruise is to make a trip by sea in a liner for pleasure, usually calling at a number of ports. (Google)

market square

náměstí s trhem

Now the five retail markets are still held, and a new traditional style market square is being built as part of the new Bull Ring. (BNC)

Mediaeval houses crowd the market square including King John 's Hunting Lodge, a merchant 's town house now open to the public as a museum. (BNC)

Narrow alleys streak out from a market square, gay with canopy stripes, bookshops, boutiques, steamy little tea-shops, all pressed together, closing ranks to thousands of cyclists. (BNC)

no-go area

zakázaná oblast

This made it a no-go area for the Hong Kong police and it developed into a warren of opium dens and criminal hideouts. (BNC)

The horror world of the novel 1984 , where the proles live in no-go areas with no jobs , draws ever nearer. (BNC)

Knoydart is not exactly a no-go area but should be entered with caution.

office block

kancelářská budova

1. The barrier is raised and he drives to his personal parking space next to the front entrance of the office block. (BNC)

2. They 've just finished a new office block with the lowest handrails. (BNC)

3. With the completion of the new office block the whole of the operation relocated there in September/October 1985. (BNC)

on the edge of the wood

na pokraji lesa

1. Badgers prefer to live in woods, but they often live on the edge of the wood, not in the middle. (Google)

2. Meanwhile, the landowner had put in an application to fell 27 large trees on the edge of the wood next to Blackberry Hill. (Google)

3. But living on the edge of the wood means the sounds and spirits of the forest creep in all the time. (Google)


parking meter

parkovací automat /hodiny

The devices are designed for parking meters, but are also the main timers used in IRA bombs. (BNC)

On the way he stopped the car in the city centre to point out dozens of parking meters, all capped with hooded covers. (BNC)

She arrived in central London so late that she had to park in the street outside the English department, with not a free parking meter in sight. (BNC)

pavement café

venkovní/pouliční kavárna

If you want to set up a pavement café on a designated highway you will need to have planning permission to do so. (Google)

Those who want Austro-Hungarian cuisine in Vienna come to Scherer, which has a pavement café in summer. (Google)

You could be in the cathedral precinct in Rouen or Rennes and you can imagine the continental pavement café mood it must have when tables are outside on sunny days. (Google)

pedestrian crossing

přechod pro chodce

It might seem little enough to get an extra bus stop or pedestrian crossing, but those are real concerns for local people and such matters affect the way they regard you politically. (BNC)

Drivers and riders should always stop still at pedestrian crossings, and not pull forwards until the person is safely on the pavement. (BNC)

He was killed on a pedestrian crossing when Clara was sixteen. (BNC)

pedestrian precinct

pěší zóna

There is an extraordinary large amount of clothes shops in the pedestrian precinct. (Google)

To give the city a new breath, its heart is transformed into a pedestrian precinct. (Google)

There is a wide range of local shops nearby as well as a large supermarket, all set within a modern and conveniently located pedestrian precinct. (Google)

petrol station

benzinová pumpa

One symptomatic scene concerned the robbery of a petrol station by a young saxophonist considering a criminal career. (BNC)

After the petrol station and the little houses, in one of which George Carter lived, were left behind, the street petered out into a country lane. (BNC)

The survey was conducted by petrol station forecourt facility company Carebridge, which questioned 1,060 motorists over the past two months. (BNC)