úterý, 2. července 2024, 11.50
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Libor Juhaňák

intercity coach

meziměstský autobus

1. Intercity Coach lines provide your link between popular train sectors and a number of North and South Island centres. WebC

2. Board the Intercity coach back to Christchurch along the East Coast road via Oamaru and Timaru. WebC

3. From Greymouth I caught the InterCity coach to Punakaiki, a sort of a settlement a little way north along the coast. WebC

Iron Age

doba železná

1. Workers fixing the sewers of a small Tuscan village have discovered a mysterious statue stelae which may lead to a large Iron Age warrior cemetery. WebC

2. The Iron Age itself came very early to Africa, probably around the sixth century BC, in Ethiopia, the Great Lakes region, Tanzania, and Nigeria. WebC

3. The Iron Age in Orkney, as in the rest of Scotland, seems to have been a time of change and unrest. WebC

Iron Age fort

pevnost z doby železné

1. The site used to be an Iron Age fort and later a Roman fort. WebC

2. Hod Hill is the largest Iron Age fort in Dorset, running to 54 acres and accommodating up to 250 roundhouses. WebC

3. There is also some evidence that there may have been an Iron Age fort, about 300m in diameter, in the centre of Brill. WebC

it dates back to

pochází z, sahá do, existuje již od

1. The distinctive Halesowen parish church was built in 1083 by Earl Roger de Montgomery. It dates back to Norman times and features Norman arches. WebC

2. Called "Geomatics" in Canada and much of Europe, land surveying is known as the world's second-oldest profession. It dates back to ancient Egypt and Babylonia. WebC

3. There is a statue of Minerva Victoria in the Pazzale della Vittoria. It dates back to the Emperor Domitian. WebC

it dates from

pochází z, sahá do, existuje již od

1. The Theatre Royal next door was also designed by John Roberts, and it dates from the 18th century. WebC

2. Although it dates from 65 to 80 million years ago, this specimen belongs to a surprisingly recent evolutionary group. WebC

3. The original of this artifact was made of Bronze and was thickly plated with Gold. It dates from the Bronze Age and was probably used as a form of currency. WebC

junk yard

smetiště, skládka

1. A municipality may enact junk yard regulations or incorporate siting of junk yards in its zoning ordinance. WebC

2. As I toured this old abandoned junk yard it brought back many memories of my childhood and teenage years. WebC

3. My neighbor has a junk yard in his back yard, and it stinks. WebC


výroba krajek

1. Cutwork, or various combinations of early lace forms with embroidery , also formed an important step in lace making. WebC

2. Men worked at lace-making as a sideline, in the evenings, especially sailors back from long voyages. WebC

3. She worked as a lace designer with the Sybil Carter Indian Lace Association, and taught lace making to Native Americans as a means of increasing their income. WebC

lack frash air

pociťovat nedostatek čerstvého vzduchu

1. We have no shelter and nothing to eat, we lack fresh air and all the other things we need to survive. WebC

2. Hospital buildings, she said, lack fresh air from open windows and may have poor ventilation systems. WebC

3. During transport the animals are chained or crammed into small cages that are often hot, lack fresh air and adequate water supply. WebC

lawn clippings

posekaná tráva

1. A recent study found that 147 homeowners who quit bagging their lawn clippings saved over half an hour on each mowing - an average of seven hours per season. WebC

2. Should you leave your lawn clippings on the grass or rake them up? WebC

3. The major sources of phosphorus in runoff are from lawn clippings and tree leaves left in the streets and gutters. WebC

light industry

lehký průmysl

1. Light industry in the Krai is represented by clothes enterprises and knitted-goods factory. WebC

2. It is widely used in chemical, light industry, food, pharmacy, metallurgy and other trades. WebC

3. The light industry branches employ approximately 19% of the people working in industry. WebC

light traffic

slabý provoz

1. The drive from downtown takes about 20 minutes in light traffic. WebC

2. This is a two-lane undivided highway with light traffic. WebC

3. The morning rush hour closed today with light traffic levels in the Twin Cities. WebC

limited resources

omezené zdroje

1. It is a must for those who manage, lead or play a key role in helping technical teams deliver successful projects with limited resources. WebC

2. Governments have limited resources for addressing the world's economic challenges. WebC

3. The supply of water declines along the line of distribution, leading to unequal sharing of the limited resources. WebC

local bus

místní autobus

1. The Transport for Lancashire website is an excellent way to find out about local bus services. WebC

2. For all local bus and travel information contact the transport office on 01572 772392. WebC

3. The Bath Bus Company provides ordinary local bus services in and around the City of Bath, and on contract to local authorities. WebC

local industry

místní průmysl

1. Should government protect local industry? WebC

2. The city council offers a range of assistance to local industry, including low-cost managed workspaces and property lists. WebC

3. There are many activities that governments can instigate to further enhance local industry. WebC

local knowledge

znalost místních poměrů

1. Any local knowledge would be greatly appreciated. WebC

2. Members have access to international experiences, case studies, resources, local knowledge and expertise from every other member. WebC

3. The long-term impacts on the northern environment will be monitored by using local knowledge. WebC