úterý, 2. července 2024, 09.49
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Libor Juhaňák

specialist map

speciální mapa

1. Stanfords is a specialist map and travel bookstore with an amazing array of maps, books, travel accessories for any destination in the world. WebC

2. In the summer of 1853 a young printer named Edward Stanford established a specialist map shop at number 6 Charing Cross. WebC

3. A person entered a specialist map shop to buy a map of the UK by a foreign publisher. WebC

stained glass

vitráž (barevné sklo v oknech kostela)

1. The following is a list of some sources of technical information and assistance on the subject of stained glass preservation.WebC

2. These tiles are cut from colored stained glass, their rich colors never fading. WebC

3. The origins of the first stained glass windows are lost in history. WebC

stately home


1. Brodick Castle can best be described as a strategically important defensive fortification from the 1200s to 1600s with an 1800s stately home wrapped around it. WebC

2. In 1853 Joseph Underwood built a stately home near the Barren River, and named it Ironwood. WebC

3. This stately home was built in 1770 for James Allen, son of the founder of Allentown. WebC

stations of the cross

křížová cesta

1. People come here attracted by the Stations of the Cross as well as the picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the main altar of the town church. WebC

2. The stations of the cross date back to 1742 (restored 1998) and consist of 14 shrines set among delightful chestnut trees. WebC

3. As the Stations of the Cross reflect Jesus' suffering through the eyes of Mary, Gibson shows us Mary's reaction to everything that happens to Jesus. WebC

stay over in...

zůstat přes noc v...

1. Stay over in Laukvik and relax in special and charming surroundings. WebC

2. After work ends today, I am going to stay over in San Francisco to catch up with college pals during the weekend. WebC

3. During the two day trip we stay over in a mountain hut and passengers are provided with full pension and a sleeping bag. WebC

stop over in...

zastavit se (na noc) v...

1. On tuesday January 20th I left from Amsterdam airport to Vancouver, with a stop over in London. WebC

2. The offer, which is to remain valid till September 30 this year, also allows a passenger a stop over in London in both the directions. WebC

3. After presenting several radio programmes throughout Australia, Nick set off back  to Britain with a stop-over in Hong Kong where he presented a classical music. WebC

street vendors

pouliční prodavači

1. Street-vendors can easily ruin your holiday, especially if this is your first time to Bali and are unaccustomed to these strong sales tactics. WebC

2. Paris is filled with street vendors. Some of them are legal, some aren’t. WebC

3. Street vendors must obtain a municipal license certificate which will indicate the specific vending category for their respective businesses. WebC

stuffy feeling

pocit zatuchlosti, nedostatku vzduchu

1. Air-conditioning in all the rooms ensures you avoid that stuffy feeling. WebC

2. Everytime I smoke, my nose itches and gets all stuffy feeling. WebC

3. It can also ease the stuffy feeling in the chest or the pain in the stomach and liver due to the irregular flow of energy. WebC

suffer an invasion

zažít vpád, invazi

1. If we were to suffer an invasion of disease or pests that I couldn't fight organically, I would use whatever means I had to, to save our plants.  WebC

2.  However, if you send your entire army to war, then your homeland could suffer an invasion or it may experience a revolt. WebC

3. Saddam Hussein may be a turd, but he's their turd, and they're not likely to suffer an invasion gladly just to get rid of him. WebC

superb cuisine

výborná kuchyně

1. Special features include the exquisite bush setting, supreme standards of comfort, superb cuisine, tasteful interiors and indigenous gardens. WebC

2. With superb cuisine and the hospitality of the gracious staff you just may find yourself saying “Ciao Bella” as you leave this fine establishment. WebC

3. Six years ago the building was converted into an hotel where the accent is on gracious living, superb cuisine and a perfect hideaway for those seeking privacy. WebC

take a quick break

krátce se někde zastavit, udělat si krátkou přestávku

1. Take a quick break in the indoor pool, sauna, and whirlpool. WebC

2. The crib provides a safe sleeping environment as well as a safe place to put the baby when the phone rings or when parents just need to take a quick break. WebC

3. Study for a while, then take a quick break and pick up where you left off. WebC

take sb round

provést někoho

1. The gracious painter took him round his studio. WebC

2. On Monday Jennifer Park took him round the sights of Vancouver, followed by a meal. WebC

3. He took her round room by room, drawing room, lounge, the little security cupboard, library, the kitchen and its various larders and storage. WebC

take stock

dělat inventuru; bilancovat, zvážit situaci a možnosti

Take stock of your financial position, in particular reviewing your pension plans.

The main aim of the seminar was to take stock of the situation as regards equality at school and the changes in the overall context it belongs to.

Now's a great time to take stock and plan.

take the waters

pít léčivé prameny

1. Come and take the waters and feel new. WebC

2. Turn of the century visitors to Eureka Springs came to take the waters, and many bath houses and spas were built to accomodate them. WebC

3. Montezuma was said to take the waters at Tehuacan to build his strength before battling Cortes. WebC

teeming with life

překypující životem

1. The parcel slopes gradually toward the Scarborough River Estuary where two large ponds can be found teeming with life. WebC

2. The sea is alive, teeming with fish, teeming with life. WebC

3. Billions of years ago, many believe, Mars was warm, wet, and quite possibly teeming with life. WebC