neděle, 30. června 2024, 11.17
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Libor Juhaňák

drop in on sb

zastavit se u někoho

1. You can drop in on Keith while I go round and see people. BNCB

2. He asked her to drop in on his Mum and Dad and say hello, and to make sure that his father wasn't drinking too much. BNCB

3. They were accustomed to drop in on him between ten and eleven in the evening, when he could be an agreeable companion. BNCB

drunken driving

řízení v opilosti

1. The limits for aggravated drunken driving are, respectively, 120 mg (blood) and 0.53 mg (exhaled air). WebC

2. He was charged with drunken driving, failure to maintain control of a vehicle, and not wearing a safety belt. WebC

3. Photos of people killed in drunken driving crashes still line high school walls. WebC

dry spell

období sucha

1. Recent reports from Namwala District indicated that this area has also experienced a worrisome dry spell that is causing water stress on the crops. WebC

2. The country has been experiencing a dry spell since Monday resulting in soaring temperatures all over the Kingdom. WebC

3. Once the dry spell is broken with rain, there is often rapid plant growth and rapid absorption of nitrate. WebC

during services

během bohoslužeb

1. In Elizabethan England, it is recorded that the vicar of Brenchley in Kent who kept losing his voice during services blamed this on the malicious witchcraft of one of his parishioners. BNCB

2. Last month we reported that Venice's churches might have to be closed except during services because of a shortage of funds to pay for custodians. BNCB

3. They also had to keep windows shut during services and soundproof the room. BNCB

economically and socially deprived area

ekonomicky a sociálně zanedbaná oblast

1. In Blaenau Gwent, for example, the job losses following the CORUS cutbacks have proved a severe blow to an already economically and socially deprived area. WebC

2. My business proposal will employ people from an economically and socially deprived area. WebC

3. Our Network consists of seven schools in a mini Educational Action Zone, in an economically and socially deprived area in the west of the city of Leicester. WebC

elaborate costumes

bohatě zdobené kroje

1. The performers were dressed in very elaborate costumes and I asked a student type man if they did it all for charity. Times

2. Brad Pitt looks soulful as the young widower lured into an eternal life of blood - sucking lust, but we stay outside the character's minds, with only gouged necks and elaborate costumes for company. Times

3. The House of Eliot enticed viewers into a world of elaborate costumes and high drama. BNCB

emergency dressing

nouzové ošetření rány, rychloobvaz

1. The thin plastic films used to wrap food can sometimes make an effective emergency dressing. WebC

2. If a wound is bleeding profusely, hold it firmly with your hand until you can secure an emergency dressing. WebC

3. They will be given emergency dressing materials to reinforce (not change) the dressing and the beeper number for the investigator or research nurse. WebC

emergency services

pohotovostní služby

1. The Town of Ajax has its own full Fire and Emergency Services, providing fire prevention, education, and firefighting services. WebC

2. In every community there are various groups who perform vital emergency services dedicated to protecting health, safety and wee being of the people. WebC

3. Other emergency services such as Ambulance and Hospital Services are provided for by the Provincial Government through the Vancouver Richmond Health Board. WebC

emergency utility services

veřejné pohotovostní služby

1. I understand that if I provide false information, I could be denied medical emergency utility services. WebC

2. Work has not yet begun on a project to provide emergency utility services to Mercy Hospital in Devils Lake. WebC

3. Emergency utility services must be designed to permit testing of the functional operability and capacity. WebC

environmentally friendly

šetrné k životnímu prostředí

1. Environmentally friendly propane is the fuel of choice for many business and municipal fleets. WebC

2. I have been searching for an environmentally friendly way to repel moles from my home without killing or harming them. WebC

3. For most urbanites, an environmentally friendly house brings to mind solar panels and composting toilets. WebC

exhaust fumes

výfukové plyny

1. Up to a sixth of cot deaths may be directly attributable to pollutants from vehicle exhaust fumes, it was revealed yesterday. WebC

2. Animal facility must be sufficiently ventilated to minimize exhaust fumes. WebC

3. Recent studies have shown that children in school buses or in areas where buses are queuing and idling are often exposed to high levels of diesel exhaust fumes. WebC

family roots

rodinné kořeny

1. I was keen to see it and learn more about my family roots. Times

2. I feel as British as anyone else in the school but I am very aware of wanting to keep in touch with my family roots and with Muslim society. BNCB

3. Gauguin's childhood was spent in Lima, where his mother had taken him in search of family roots and family money. BNCB

fan vaulting

vějířová klenba

1. Ried created this work of architectural bravado between 1493 and 1502. English fan vaulting is the only comparable style and that is dreary copy book by comparison. BNCB

2. The splendour of the fourteenth century fan vaulting soaring elegantly, anciently, above him had made no comment. BNCB

3. The Campbell fired into the air, taking a chip out of the magnificent fan vaulting. BNCB 

fancy house

výstavní, velký dům

1. Aside from the fact that he could easily buy a ticket, he has a fancy car waiting in front of his fancy house. WebC

2. It was not a fancy house, but it had plenty room for me to ponder and sooth myself. WebC

3. We settled on a 30 year old, smaller, less fancy house in a great little quiet neighborhood filled with a bunch of retired old people. WebC

fatal accident

smrtelná dopravní nehoda

1. The fatal accident happened around 12:45 PM at the intersection of Central Road and Fleck just west of Eugene. WebC

2. A fatal accident in Terrebone parish claimed the lives of three people. WebC

3. This will be the second fatal accident in less than two months involving drivers that I know personally. WebC