úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.39
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

local politician

místní politik

1. Jacob Broom was a local politician whose interests remained focused throughout his career on the government of his city and state. WebC

2. When the son of a local politician is assassinated, Taggart and the team are called in to investigate. WebC

3. Well, at one time Mr. Bush was a local politician, and just because he has the title of President doesnt give him a magical authority and superior morality. WebC

local town council

místní městská rada

1. This was where the local town council looked after the affairs of the burgh for over 400 years. WebC

2. Its local Town Council has met this challenge by investing in sport and social activities and supporting local commerce and community events. WebC

3. Both the Bridport and Dorchester Tree Partnerships are administered by the local town council. WebC

look out onto

mít výhled na

1. The windows look out onto the most important monuments and have a view of the hills surrounding Florence. WebC

2. Recently, he remodeled the master bedroom to look out onto the backyard. WebC

3. Located close to the beach, all rooms have individual terraces with sun loungers which look out onto the resort's landscaped gardens. WebC

lookout tower

rozhledna, vyhlídková věž

1. You can drive a few miles from route 3 to the trail head and walk around a mile up a steep rocky trail to the Magalloway Lookout tower. The view is worth it! WebC

2. The Berri Lookout Tower has been formed by converting a disused town water tower into a lookout. WebC

3. The steel lookout tower on Petrin Hill was under reconstruction. WebC

lord of the manor

majitel panství, zámecký pán

1. He really should grow up and act a bit more like a lord of the manor. I told him so, but he only shouted at me. WebC

2. His father was a lord of the manor, near Spilsby, here in Lincolnshire. WebC

3. After your meal take coffee in the lounge and sink into the traditional furniture like a lord of the manor! WebC


main concern

hlavní zájem

1. Are both price and quality your main concern? WebC

2. The main concern is how it’s going to affect the environment. WebC

3. Do you think the main concern of the world this morning is the rules that will apply to the treatment of Saddam Hussein? WebC

main street

hlavní ulice

1. In the main street of Gibraltar we saw three red hairs lying on a wheel- barrow before a baker's door. WebC

2. The main attraction in the main street is the only souvenir stall that comes without strong colours, the underground one, just where the street bends. WebC

3. The telephone box and post box are in the main street. WebC

maintenance personnel

pracovníci údržby

1. BLM road maintenance personnel were on hand to collect the debris and haul it to a garbage dump. WebC

2. In some instances maintenance personnel are required to disable or defeat protective devices such as guards in order to perform their tasks. WebC

3. Maintenance personnel can now deliver just-in-time services to minimize operational costs and equipment downtime for maximum profitability. WebC

major road

hlavní silnice, hlavní tah

1. A major road accident took place in Moscow on Saturday afternoon. WebC

2. Police introduce patrols at major road intersections. WebC

3. Kathy Johnson insists her husband predicted their home would have to make way for a major road someday. WebC

make a mention of

zmíňit se o něčem

1. If you have applied with reference to an advertisement in a publication then make a mention of it. WebC

2. In case you have a long working experience make a mention of only the notable posts which you held. WebC

3. Make a mention of how important your relationship is to you. WebC

make ends meet

vycházet s penězi

1. Ehrenreich again took two jobs to make ends meet -- a weekend job in the Alzheimer's ward of a nursing home and a full-time job with a housecleaning service. Google

2. Many families may not be able to make ends meet with only their wages to rely on. Google

3. It was good money and most of the time I could make ends meet. Google

market town

město, v němž se konají trhy

1. Hitchin is a small vibrant market town with a thriving music scene and most of its traditional qualities still intact. WebC

2. Carmarthen town is a bustling market town with a regular market providing a good range of local products. WebC

3. The 8000 residents of the small market town of Alnwick in Northumberland enjoy the highest standard of life in the country, according to a new survey. WebC

medical insurance

zdravotní pojištění

1. First Team Insurance Services offers you a wide variety of medical insurance policies to protect you and your family against the high costs of health care. WebC

2. Providing international and travel medical insurance to travelers, visitors, expatriates, and students, SRI is a world leader in global health insurance. WebC

3. International students are required to present proof of active medical insurance before registering for classes. WebC

mineral spring

minerální pramen

1. The project area, which covers approximately 2,700 sf. comprises a remnant mineral spring, a gently sloping hillside and a spring-fed streambed. WebC

2. It is a thermal mineral spring containing a significant amount of dissolved minerals in a water temperature warmer than 98F. WebC

3. The pool inside is about 120 feet in circumference, and holds 40,000 gallons of constantly flowing, crystal clear mineral spring water. WebC

missing property

pohřešovaný majetek

1. Please note that this form is for lost or missing property only. WebC

2. What happens if missing property is found? WebC

3. Agencies shall maintain records of all stolen or missing property, including private property, regardless of value. WebC