úterý, 16. července 2024, 17.23
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

coat of arms


1. Note the coat of arms over the door and the fine plasterwork - with the date 1659 - over the fireplace. BNCB

2. A couple of swords and a coat of arms adorned the wall, whilst the wardrobe contained uniforms of differing design. BNCB

3. The family coat of arms can be seen carved at the main doorway ot the house and in the church. BNCB

cobbled street

dlážděná ulice

1. He walked down the quay and turned into a narrow cobbled street, his head bent, and his hands buried in the pockets of his overcoat. BNCB

2. It was lying on the edge of the pavement, with one end trailing onto the cobbled street. BNCB

3. Ruth nearly fell down the steps of the restaurant on to the cobbled street. BNCB

come in search

přijít hledat

1. What they come in search of now is an upmarket version of Coronation Street cmaraderie situated in exquisite Georgian architecture. BNCB

2. We had come in search of the works of Palladio and remained only a couple of nights. BNCB

3. Nanny and Granny come in search of Agnes, but stay to help solve the mystery of the phantom of the opera. BNCB

commercial centre

obchodní centrum

1. The commercial centre surrounding the university includes a diverse collection of businesses and properties. WebC

2. This project includes the construction of one 3-storey commercial centre, one 2-storey clinic block, two primary schools and two secondary schools. WebC

3. The birthplace of Australian eco-tourism, Lismore is also the commercial centre
of the north east of NSW and the home of Southern Cross University. WebC

community centre

společenské centrum

1. The Joseph E. and Minnie Wagman Centre is a multilingual community centre for older adults operated by Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care. WebC

2. The Community Centre’s conception was a very modest affair. WebC

3. Come along, make some new friends and above all enjoy and support your local community centre. WebC

concert hall

koncertní síň

1. Those in the audience who have had to suffer such behaviour in a concert hall, whilst trying to listen to a brilliant musician, know that his remarks about certain characters are only too true. BNCB

2.  The concert hall itself reminds one playfully of reproduction art deco and is also acoustically first-class and adaptable. BNCB

3. Frederick Kempf beat three other finalists at the Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, at the weekend, performing Rachmaninov's Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini. BNCB

conducted tour

prohlídka pamětihodností s průvodcem

1. In some schools the children's toilets are included in the conducted tour for potential new parents. BNCB

2. This is an hour-long conducted tour in an old tram car, nostalgia every inch of the way. BNCB

3. His voice droned on like that of a guide doing a conducted tour. BNCB

conservation area

chráněná oblast

1. Although All Saints is not a listed building, it lies within a conservation area so that any proposal to demolish it would have been subject to same scrutiny as plans for the demolition of a listed building. BNCB

2. The Medway estuary is recognised internationlly as a conservation area, particularly for birdlife, and that is why we have taken this step of seeking judicial review. BNCB

3. Fortunatelly the village is in a conservation area and hopefully little more development will be permitted. BNCB

conservation policy

postup, plán péče o památky

1. Thus a conservation policy involves a wide ranging set of economic, political and social issues. BNCB

2. There needs above all to be a consistency in the whole chain linking nature conservation policy with action on the ground. BNCB

3. First and more obviously, direct curative measures clearly are within the domain of a soil conservation policy. BNCB

Corpus Christi Day

svátek Božího těla

1. My father used to play Judas in the Cordwainer's Mystery every Corpus Christi Day. BNCB

2. The date the church chose for Corpus Christi Day was the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, or about seven weeks after Easter. WebC

3. Tradition holds that the bay was named by the Spanish explorer Alonzo Alvarez de Pineda, who found it on Corpus Christi Day in 1519, but there is evidence that it was named instead by the first settlers, who arrived from the lower Rio Grande valley in the 1760s. WebC

country boy

kluk z venkva, venkovský balík

1. I would say that Ronnie’s definately a country boy, though. WebC

2. And what a wonderful story of a country boy who despite hardships unimaginable attained success and stardom. WebC

3. I left the country in April 1941, and many people may wonder why I call myself still a country boy. WebC

country girl

venkovské děvče

1. He had believed that a country girl like her would find him wonderful, a college man with great ambitions. BNCB

2. There are few better things in nature than a pure country girl. BNCB

3. If Angel had studied at Cambridge he would never have become a farmer and married a country girl. BNCB

country residence

venkovské sídlo

1. I knew the Swiss Ambassador, who had a country residence where it was possible to ride and relax. BNCB

2. Charles adored his country residence, Highgrove in Gloucestershire, while Diana preferred the much smaller apartment she had in Kensington Palace, more than 90 miles away in London. BNCB

3. Two miles away, you can visit Falkland Palace, the country residence of the Stuart kings and queens, with gardens containing the oldest tennis court in Great Britain. BNCB 

country road

venkovská silnice

1. This is our family's way of enjoying a dusty country road after spending the day driving on them. WebC

2. The road ahead was the well-known country road, zipping over hills and around corners, a bright yellow line down the middle, and few other cars. WebC

3. But western Maryland is one of the prettiest and most historic places in the mid-Atlantic area. It's perfect for a few days of country road exploration. WebC

craft shop

obchod prodávající výrobky uměleckých řemesel

1. Urging her into a fast walk, he hurried her across a courtyard and into the craft shop. BNCB

2. Rufford Craft Centre houses a gallery with major art and craft exhibitions, a craft shop selling a fine selection of British crafts plus a souvenir shop. BNCB

3. Background Liz, a 25-year-old single woman, had been living on her own for the previous year in a flat above a small craft shop that she ran together with her mother. BNCB