úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.14
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: TRAVEL

make camp

utábořit se

From there they proceeded to the Jebel mountains and made camp in a pleasant area of trees and plentiful water. BNC

We made camp in a grove of cottonwood trees, about the only available protection from the sun. BNC

We moved our whole camp, packing all our belonging on mules and horses, went into Mexico and made camp in the mountains near Nacori. WebC

make way

uvolnit cestu, udělat místo (pro), ustoupit

The horseless carriages of the first decade had made way for vehicles designed as motor cars in their own right. BNC

The horseless carriages of the first decade had made way for vehicles designed as motor cars in their own right. BNC

The bystanders hushed their noisy talk and made way for this newcomer as she joined them and stood alone waiting on the platform. WebC 

make your way to

vydejte se k, běžte směrem k

Make your way to the southern side of Loch Assynt and follow the shore as long as you can and then take the easiest line of travel staying parallel to the loch. BNC

You will make your way to the airport for your flight to Ayers Rock. WebC

Actually, you have to make your way to the town of St. Marys, where you catch the double-deck ferry boat operated by the National Park Service to the island. WebC

mean of transport

dopravní prostředek

In Los Angeles many companies encourage their employees to use alternative means of transportation, rather than the car. CALD

What means of transport is she using? MED

The train revolutionized not only the means of transport but also people's ideas and expectations about travel.  BNC

merchant ship

obchodní loď

As he approached the coastline he passed over a merchant ship. BNC

On 14 July 1892, Maisie's son boarded a merchant ship and sailed away from his homeland. BNC

Indian navy divers have discovered the wreck of a late 18th-century British merchant ship on a coral reef off India's southern coast. WebC

minor road

vedlejší silnice

Cross the road and take the path over Newmills ridge to the minor road, turning left to follow it to Dumcrieff Bridge. WebC

We walked along a path which wound attractively through a pine forest and round a spur of the hillside to a viewpoint overlooking the lower lake, which is spanned by a narrow bridge across which a minor road leads up into the mountains.BNC

 During the rest of the year the nearest bus pick up point is Troutbeck Bridge where the minor road leading from Troutbeck village joins the main A591. BNC

miss the boat

promeškat příležitost

There were tickets available last week, but he missed the boat by waiting till today to try to buy some. CALD

Those people who've been holding off buying anything just in case prices drop still further could now find they've missed the boat. BNC

miss the bus/train

zmeškat autobus/vlak

You'll miss your train if you don't hurry up.CALD

When I woke up I was really worried that I would miss the bus .WebC

What this would normally imply in Australia is that you have to be careful not to miss the bus because the bus frequency is less than normal days (almost every hour). WebC

miss the turn

minout odbočku

Well someone didn't watch the signs closely in Dyersburg and missed the turn for highway 51. WebC

If you come to a railroad crossing, you've missed the turn. WebC

If you get to a large church or see an entrance to the park, you missed the turn. WebC

motor boat

motorový člun

A very cloak and dagger episode followed when I had to meet a colleague on shore after landing on a remote beach by motor boat. BNC

 A motor boat has a speed of four miles per hour this means it goes four miles in every hour. BNC

 For the more active, there is sailing, windsurfing, waterskiing and motor boat hire.BNC

motor caravan

pojízdný obytný přívěs

We thought it a good idea to start off by hiring a motor caravan, or camper van as they're called in NZ, but as it was quite expensive we took it for a fortnight just to try it. BNC

 Motor caravans really do have all the comforts of home. WASPS

We are keen purchasers of good quality used motor caravans or caravans and believe that we are one of the best cash purchasers in the UK today. WebC


ocean liner

zaoceánská loď

An ocean liner delivers to New York City another cargo of weary immigrants, who come ashore at Ellis Island. BNC

Hamburg and Bremen had become great oceanic ports, and France and Germany began to compete in the ocean liner traffic; soon there were regular services to every part of the world. BNC

From transporting valuables came the next step to transporting passengers to Europe by ocean liner. BNC

off the beaten track

odlehlé místo, místo málo navštěvované turisty

The farmhouse we stayed in was completely off the beaten track. CALD

Situated a little off the beaten track, the Hahnenhof is 15 minutes walk from the town centre, and is a good starting point for many pleasant rambles. BNC

The fact that East Lindsey is slightly off the beaten track is the very reason it has so much to offer that is unusual and refreshing.  BNC

oncoming traffic

provoz/vozidla v protisměru

They crossed the road to face the oncoming traffic and had just passed a 40 mph speed limit sign when he looked over his shoulder and saw a car heading towards them on the wrong side of the road. BNC

There was the fork ahead of him, and he slowed for a gap in the oncoming traffic. BNC

one-/two-/tree-/four-/five-star hotel

jedno-/dvou-/tří-/čtyř-/pěti-hvězdičkový hotel

  This excellent four-star hotel now offers an indoor swimming-pool, sauna, steambath and sun terrace. BNC

You will be staying at the two-star Hotel Ibis and will arrive in time for dinner. BNC

This fine five-star hotel is quietly located in the city centre close to the railway station.