úterý, 16. července 2024, 22.03
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: TRAVEL

overtaking lane

předjížděcí pruh

The VW was in sight, staying in the overtaking lane, but hemmed-in. BNC

 He stayed in the overtaking lane, averaging only a little less than the car's maximum speed, the quadruple headlights sweeping a path for the commanding prow of the Jaguar. BNC

The driver had the good manners to signal with headlights that he was clear but he stayed in the overtaking lane, letting the twin turbos build up speed. BNC


package tour

organizovaný zájezd

We bought a cheap package tour to Spain and stayed in a big hotel by the sea.CALD

The average £350 package tour would jump by 10 per cent, with more exotic trips likely to incur larger increases, Sidney Perez told the conference. BNC

There was nothing here for the average tourist, nothing for my friends Jim and Mary, who go off every year on a package tour. BNC

parking ticket

parkovací lístek

In April this year, he was arrested in Altea, near Benidorm, during a dispute with a policeman about a parking ticket. BNC

There was a parking ticket neatly tucked under the windshield wiper. BNC

Scarlet felt foolish and rather jealous: she knew that if she so much as failed to pay a parking ticket, the full force of the law would be upon her like a ton of bricks. BNC

passenger seat

sedadlo spolujezdce

He came back and unlocked the car, helping her into the passenger seat. BNC

As a result his friend Shean Kearney , 23 , who was sitting in the front passenger seat was fatally injured. WASPS

Miller was fast asleep in the passenger seat when Carrington got to the car, but he did not try to wake him. BNC

passenger traffic

osobní doprava

The station opened in 1933, designed for continuing growth in passenger traffic. BNC

So great was the growth of passenger traffic in the 1920s that an already vast station was remodelled and enlarged in 1927. BNC

 Passenger traffic was never profitable, but it was a link between the two towns to be used by the sparse population as and when required. BNC

passenger train

osobní vlak

The two passenger trains involved in the accident had both come from south-west London.

He took them down to the station and sent them off to London by passenger train. BNC

A week of national mourning was announced after more than 150 people were killed when a passenger train collided with a goods train near Dolisie on Sept. 6. BNC

passport control

pasová kontrola

When you arrive at the continental airport you will be required to pass through passport control, claim your baggage and obtain customs clearance. BNC

We were required to get four stamps on a form, German customs and passport control plus Austrian customs and passport control. BNC

Moving like a sleep-walker through the efficient check-in at the first-class desk, through Passport Control and into the special lounge before boarding the aircraft, Laura felt totally numb. BNC

passport to success

klíč k úspěchu

Beauty alone can be a passport to success. CALD

We live in an increasingly competitive world where good qualifications are a passport to success. BNC

Finally, don't assume winning a talent contest is a passport to success. BNC

patrol car

hlídkový/policejní vůz

 A patrol car spots us and its occupants make it clear we are under observation. BNC

 Chapman drove at 50 to 60mph before he was stopped by a police patrol car. BNC

New York is the only big city in America whose police still insist on two officers in every patrol car. BNC

pave the way (for)

připravit cestu (pro/komu)

Scientists hope that data from the probe will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars. CALD

 The Ports Act 1991 has paved the way for this privatisation of the Trust Ports by competitive tender. BNC

 Defeat followed by foreign rule paved the way for a new receptivity to foreign influences in general. BNC

pedestrian crossing

přechod pro chodce

I'd like to move a petition containing seven hundred and twelve signatures, residents of Broadstone who request the installation of a pedestrian crossing on Broadstone Lane, bottom end of Shakespeare Drive and propose that it is passed on to the environment committee for consideration. BNC

The family of a woman crushed by a lorry on a pedestrian crossing was awarded £108,749 damages at the High Court in London yesterday. BNC

We were approaching a big road junction where there was a controlled pedestrian crossing. BNC

petrol station

benzínová stanice/pumpa

In May, it opened a new petrol station in Hungary, to add to the 15 set up there in the early 1970s. BNC

 The petrol station at Shiel Bridge has a good range of groceries. BNC

David was jailed for four years after robbing a petrol station to pay for his drug habit. BNC

pick sb. up

zastavit se pro někoho, vyzvednout někoho autem, vzít spolujezdce

Whose turn is it to pick the children up after school? CALD

Will you pick me up after the party? MED

My men picked him up as he came over the Luxembourg border. BNC

pick up speed

nabrat/získat rychlost, zrychlovat

He heard the train whistle, the engine was slowing for a signal then he heard it pick up speed again.BNC

And if the road starts to go downhill, you can even pick up speed without any further pedalling. BNC

The truck picked up speed slowly. CALD

pitch a tent

postavit stan

We pitched our tent in the shade. CALD

I pitched the tent back from the sea, close to a river. BNC

It's difficult to pitch a tent on a slope, and even more difficult sleeping on a slant. WebC