úterý, 16. července 2024, 22.23
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: TRAVEL

shuttle service

kyvadlová doprava

Flights from Australia will go directly to Case, from where a shuttle service will operate to the other two stations. BNC

A shuttle service operates between the hotel and the beach. MED

 British International Helicopters operate a shuttle service between Penzance and Tresco twice a day; £74 return per person (0736 63871). BNC

side road

vedlejší silnice/komunikace

Soon they turned down a side road which led to Drumbreck House where Sir Ewen McLay lived. BNC

She looked again at the rear-view mirror and saw that the Audi was turning into a side road, allowing her to go. BNC

From there just cross the road and head down the side road to Alice Eastwood camp. WebC

side street

postranní ulice

I go down this side street where there ain't so many big shops. BNC

If you're looking for a comfortable apartment or studios in a quiet side street, yet in the centre of town with its host of bars and cafés, and only two minutes from the beach, then look no further. BNC

In a side street a vegetable seller, squatting in the shade of a wall, offered fresh produce. BNC

single room

jednolůžkový/samostatný pokoj

There is a supplement to pay for a single room. MED

All rooms are twin bedded with a private shower and balcony; a single room is available with hot and cold water, but no shower is available. BNC

Book me a single room at my usual hotel, will you? BNC

single ticket

jednoduchá jízdenka

Marked single ticket entitles to ride one transport vehicle in one route direction until the final stop of the route. WebC

A single ticket is valid for one journey and can be used on the Metro, RER, Bus and Tram within Paris and its immediate suburbs. WebC

At Victoria follow the signs to the coach station (ten minute walk) and buy a single ticket to Chelmsford (£8.50). WebC

sleeping bag

spací pytel

While most bags have stuff sacks very few can be considered waterproof, so always pack your sleeping bag in its stuff sack inside a separate plastic bag. BNC

Note: Bed linen is not provided so please bring a sleeping bag and towels with you. BNC

If camping overnight you'll need still more space in which to carry tent, sleeping bag and mat and cooking equipment, and for longer periods you'll need extra clothes as well. BNC

slip road

sjezd z dálnice, nájezd na dálnici

 They were quickly spotted by a police patrol who ushered them off the motorway and down the A41 slip road. BNC

Protesters also stopped traffic on a motorway slip road. BNC

Motorists are advised to avoid Bayswater Road, Wallasey, where it passes over the access slip road to Leasowe Road, while road works are carried out from today. BNC

slippery road

kluzká vozovka

A car had gone out of control on the slippery road. BNC

She realised suddenly that she was in the wrong lane, and pulled over sharply on the slippery road. BNC

slow down

zpomalit, jet/jít pomaleji

Slow down, you two, you're walking too fast! CALD

Slow down! You’re driving too fast. MED

 He saw the car in front of him slow down and slowed with it. BNC

spare parts

náhradní díly

Car repair costs are set to rise under EC proposals threatening independent firms who make spare parts, the Consumers' Association has warned. BNC

They said that car owners have an inherent right to repair their cars in the most economical way possible and, for that purpose, are to have access to a free market in spare parts. BNC

At least three of these cars would have been useful to Leeds, when the remainder were sold to them, if only as a source of spare parts. BNC

speed limit

nejvyšší povolená rychlost

Try not to go over the speed limit, Daniel.CALD

You may think you are a good enough driver to go over the speed limit, but you may also realise that a world in which everyone drove very fast might be a little on the dangerous side. BNC

 In 1973 the speed limit was reduced to 60 mph (100 kph in 1974) and compulsory blood alcohol testing was introduced for accident victims admitted to hospital. BNC

speed up

zrychlit, jet rychleji, urychlit

I think you need to speed up a bit - we're going to be late. CALD

You see drivers speeding up when they should be slowing down. MED

The early coaches went via Lewes but a new turnpike through Cuckfield in the later 1770s speeded up the journey considerably and the trip was down to six hours by 1820. BNC

start the car/engine

nastartovat auto/motor

Scott started the engine and drove off. MED

I'm having trouble starting the car. CALD

 Lifting his hand in a casual salute, he stepped back, leaving her no choice but to start the car and drive away with a casual wave. BNC

station master

přednosta stanice

Unfortunately the station master was rather deaf and he failed to hear an approaching train in the inky darkness of the tunnel and he was struck down and killed. BNC

 We searched out the station master at the station. BNC

 And Charlbury's station master gives a few tips on how to become station master of the year. BNC

steering wheel


Alternatively, an economical and effective way of securing your car is to fit a strong chain and padlock around the steering wheel and attach it to the seat, clutch or brake pedal. BNC

He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and waited. BNC

At first I found the car uncomfortable, but the driver's seat and steering wheel adjustment is so good you soon find a near perfect position. BNC