úterý, 16. července 2024, 20.38
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLIMATE

in full flood

v plném proudu

He looked at the river which was now in full flood. BNC

Manningham was in full flood, downing his drink and pouring himself a fresh one. BNC

Sir Thomas was in full flood, though his performance seemed to lack its usual fortissimo, thought Oliver to himself. BNC

in full flow

v plném proudu

The royal wedding preparations were now in full flow. CIDI

 It was not at all the response she wanted, but Mrs Browning was again in full flow. BNC

She listened intently to Myeloski, who was in full flow, as Duncan approached them. BNC


in the cold light of the day

s chladnou hlavou

The next morning, in the cold light of day, Sarah realized what a complete idiot she had been.CIDI

The battle is waging, souls are being lost, and looking at the plain facts in the cold light of the day we, are loosing the battle. WebCorp

What if, in the cold light of the day, they discovered that they'd made a mistake, that what they'd thought was real was just a passing attraction, a little harmless fling of the moment? WebCorp

in the heat of the moment

v zápalu boje, v rozčilení

But where people act in the heat of the moment, the likelihood of their being deterred by the size of the penalty or even their chances of getting caught would seem to be small.WebCorp

It's a real shame that both me and him will miss the next game but you can't control those sort of things in hte heat of hte moment. WebCorp

Will it make people stop coming to the races because two people lost their heads in the heat of the moment? WebCorp

in the hot seat

v horkém křesle, mít zodpovědnost za důležitá rozhodnutí

He suddenly found himself in the hot seat, facing a hundred angry residents at a protest meeting. BNC

Among Mr Powell's successes in his five years in the hot seat were EastEnders and Birds Of A Feather. BNC

Always address the person in the hot seat by the name of the character you have chosen. BNC

in the lee

v závětří

The unclothed, except when swimming, stayed in the background, secluded in the lee of a dune.  BNC

there was no natural cover, camouflage nets were slung over the trucks, while the men tended to disperse themselves some distance away, preferably in the lee of a rock. BNC

The preferred spot is in the lee of a tall hedge; it does a marvellous job of breaking up gale force winds. BNC



One of the most important of the island's defences is against erosion or inundation by the sea. BNC

However, the tilting process and inundation that accompanied it were so gradual that most existing forms of wildlife had ample time to escape from or adapt to the changes. BNC

Extensive areas of prime agricultural land, supporting tens of millions of people, will be lost through inundation and saltwater contamination of the soils. BNC

it is raining cats and dogs

leje jako z konve

Better get your umbrella when it is raining cats and dogs out there. WebCorp

There is nothing that is more comforting that working away at a block, in a warm studio, when it is raining cats and dogs outside, or better yet, it is snowing! WebCorp

Today when it is raining cats and dogs, and so the outdoor meetings on the terrace and the al fresco lunch by the pool both have to be moved indoors. WebCorp

it never rains but it pours

neštěstí nechodí nikdy samo

Finally, everyone knows that it never rains but it pours, that problems and difficulties always come together. WebCorp

But, as ever, it never rains but it pours and typically I had to say "no" to that in order to do Brian May's gig. BNC

But, wouldn't you know it, in never rains but it pours. I have had another windfall. WebCorp


keep a seat warm

držet místo

Good luck and keep a seat  for me will ya? WebCorp

Greece also says it wants to keep a seat at the negotiating table for neighbour and rival, Turkey. WebCorp

Percy and Nerfherder will keep a seat for you. WebCorp 

keep cool

zachovat klid

It was imperative too to keep cool and not allow things to get out of proportion. BNC

There is nothing to hook your fingers over and allow you to relax, so keep cool and keep going. BCN

Little things will irritate you more than usual but try to keep cool, especially when dealing with personal issues. BNC

keep to the shadows

držet se ve stínu

He kept to the shadows, though the breeze blew freshly, and now and then stopped to wipe the chalky dust from his shined shoes with his handkerchief. BNC

We'll be all right, we'll keep to the shadows, no-one will see us.WebCorp

Moving along the quay-side, trying their best to keep to the shadows, were a very unlikely trio of walking wounded.WebCorp

key elements

klíčové prvky

It is another of the key elements of his social analysis. BNC

It is worth dwelling on that short text, for it contains in brief, almost coded, form many of the key elements of anti-Catholicism. BNC

Let us consider the key elements of any policy to combat age discrimination in employment. BNC


lack of rainfall

nedostatek srážek

Lack of rainfall means that they have survived intact for hundreds of years, though they are now being threatened by tourists. BNC

Our perception of the problem is that it comes and goes, according to the availability of the salmon and a lot of them have been trapped in the system because of the lack of rainfall recently. BNC

Already, prolonged droughts and lack of rainfall since the early eighties has diminished harvests. WebCorp

leave sb cold

nechávat někoho chladným

Mary said the book had her in tears, but it left me cold. CIDI

In fact the contemplation of a Roman brick seems to leave me cold, quite cold. BNC

Even wins, such as those in the Colt Cars Classic in Jersey and the Olivetti at Moor Hall, would leave her cold.  BNC