úterý, 16. července 2024, 22.10
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLIMATE

to be clear about sth

mít jasno

Be clear about your expectations and needs,clear about person's assignment, and clear about the effect, both of performance and non-performance. WebCorp

Let us be clear about what we mean by pro-social (altruistic) behaviour? BNC

Be very clear about what you want to cover in a lecture. WebCorp

torrential rain

průtrž mračen

My mum and dad drove us to the airport in the torrential rain and wind. BNC

Britain was facing its worst flooding crisis for 22 years as torrential rain and gale-force winds swept the country last night. BNC

Large parts of Africa, India and Australia were ravished by drought while the west coast of the Americas was lashed by storms and torrential rain. BNC

toxic waste

jedovatý odpad

Indeed, they see incineration as a solution to toxic waste whose usefulness should be employed on a greater range of materials. BNC

Ocean has lodged planning applications for a waste-to-energy facility in south London and a toxic waste incinerator near Middlesbrough. BNC

He said the government should export technology so countries could deal with their own toxic waste. BNC

troubled waters

složitá životní situace

I believe we are sailing out of troubled waters now. BNC

This particular fish was very shortly going to find itself in exceedingly troubled waters. BNC

After just half an hour in the pool, it was back to the troubled waters of the Foreign Office. BNC

trough of low pressure

brázda nízkého tlaku

Cold fronts will generally start from areas of low pressure and follow the trough of low pressure south and to the west of the low. WebCorp

A trough of low pressure extended northwards across the Bay of Biscay, bringing the cloud and rain that occurred over Brittany. WebCorp

We are, unfortunately, in a stable weather pattern with a large trough of low pressure in the middle levels of the atmosphere parked directly overhead. WebCorp

turn out fine

vyjasnit se

I’m also going to plant the peonies I bought on Saturday next weekend, which is also a little early, but will probably turn out fine. WebCorp

It's not about sitting back passively and believing that things will turn out fine on their own. WebCorp

From the pope's display of determination, Heikkila found a new inspiration that his life ahead will turn out fine as long as he keeps his faith and practises it. WebCorp



bezstarostný, nerušený

I'm kind, honest, unclouded, passion to friends, faithful to family and loyal to love. WebCorp

Based on my reading of ancient Jewish texts--including the New Testament, I am optimistic that a fresh, unclouded vision for God's kingdom can be regained. WebCorp

Neither in what it gives, nor in what it does not give, nor in the mode of presentation, must the unclouded face of truth suffer wrong. WebCorp

up a storm

ostošest, naplno

They were sitting in a corner, talking up a storm. CIDI

BRITAIN'S big banks stirred up a storm last night after threatening to charge customers for using their own money. BNC

The leases have brewed up a storm in Darlington as landlords say they could mean the end of many traditional pubs. BNC


warm welcome

vřelé uvítání

I would like to extend a warm welcome to the two South Africans who are attending tod today's meeting of Council. BNC

We'll be seeing the E F T A T colleagues on Thursday, I hope you'll give them a very very warm welcome. BNC

On this occasion I can, without any distortion, offer you a very warm welcome . BNC

weather away

zvětrat, rozpadnout se

No doubt the ice sheet preserves specimens that would weather away more quickly in other regions. BNC

Because the bricks will only be fired two-thirds of the way through, the top one-third will weather away with time, leaving a piece which will be truly sculpted by the outside forces.WebCorp

The softer mudstones weather away faster, leaving the more resistant sandstones jutting out. WebCorp

weather forecaster


The local weather forecaster had told me we'd get rain and we did. BCN

Ted, what's it like to be a weather forecaster, are you a popular man as such? BNC

English hearts sank even further than they already were, for it would not have needed a weather forecaster to predict that Hurricane Viv was about to strike. BNC

weather outlook/ forecast


The weather outlook is just as gloomy for today. BNC

They have timed the deal pretty well, and not just from a weather outlook. BNC

The weather forecast was not too bad, either, except that the heavy recent downpours might lead to the cracking of some water, or even gas, mains. BNC

weather permitting

za příznivého počasí

Weather permitting, this is surely the sort of event of which Philippa would approve. BNC

This is where, weather permitting, the sing still takes place. BNC

Weather permitting, there are frequent painting and sketching expeditions available to all members. BNC

weather the storm

přečkat bez úhony, přestát bouři

We shall see if the ambassador can weather the political storm caused by his ill-advised remarks. CALD

According to the board, Ocean Ranger was structurally sound and should have been able to weather the storm. BNC

So, with luck, they hoped to weather the storm. BNC

weather vane

větrná korouhev

The Hungarian news agency MTI said yesterday that the 1.6 tonne steel star would be replaced by a weather vane. BNC

We reached St Paul's, the great copper eagle on its weather vane dazzling in the weak sunlight. BNC

A strange, fixed weather vane that stands in the lee of the vicarage at Rennes-le-Chateau. BNC