úterý, 16. července 2024, 18.57
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLIMATE

be all wet

být úplně mimo

Most doctors agreed that the scientific evidence in the report was simply all wet. CIDI

But with so many inaccuracies, this article is all wet indeed. WebCorp

As that little chart on this page comparing growth in GDP with no-growth in jobs shows, so far they've been all wet. WebCorp

be as cold as ice

studený jako psí čumák

One minute you're like fire in my arms, the next you're as cold as ice. BNC

He's good and great, but as cold as ice. BNC

Feel my toes - they're as cold as ice. CALD

be as right as rain

zdravý jako řípa

I'll be as right as rain as soon as I take my pills.CIDI

 I'll put you in charge of the guard and you'll be as right as rain.' BNC 

She was as right as rain two days ago," Jenny said," and she was well all winter. BNC 

be chilled to the marrow

zmrzlý až na kost

After an hour on the mountain, we were chilled to the marrow. CIDI

The thought made him flush hot with embarrassment even though chilled to the marrow. BNC

He'd got chilled to the marrow last night and he needed a drop of something to keep out the cold. BNC

be cold comfort

chabá útěcha

The doctor said only his legs are paralysed, not his whole body, but I think that will be cold comfort to him. CIDI

But this opposition misleads; charisma is cold comfort without expert management.  BNC

It's cold comfort, of course, when there isn't much of a market to have a share of.  BNC

be home and dry

mít hotovo, vyhráno, být za vodou

With this discovery the concept of sea-floor spreading was home and dry, and almost universally accepted. BNC

But even then employers are not necessarily home and dry. BNC

The village has however survived one of the wettest Octobers on record, so people living there are hoping they're now home and dry. BNC

be in for rain

očekávat déšt´

The weather forecast says we're in for heavy rain this evening. CALD

As we tour around the sky is filled with lightening flashes and it looks like we are in for rain to Perth.  WebCorp

This morning a great darkness came over the sky and we thought we were in for rain at last when the storm broke, in all its' fury, all we had was more wind. WebCorp

be in hot water

být v problémech, v kaši

The morning's adventure had apparently left him in hot water with the lady of the moment. BNC

You keep me in hot water all the time. BNC

He found himself in hot water over his speech about immigration. CIDI

be in one´s element

být ve svém živlu

Kate, of course, was in her element, making all the arrangements. CALD

Shortly after moving into her apartment she found a job where she was truly in her element. BNC

After a while, the bullying at school didn't affect me too much, and I was in my element with all the wildlife around me. BNC

be in the eye of the storm

být předmětem kritiky

International aid agencies were in the eye of the storm when war broke out in the country. CIDI

We are in the eye of the storm but with little control over the action. WebCorp

Madonna likes being in the eye of the storm but this time she was safely tucked away in New York. BNC

be in the wind

viset ve vzduchu

From my recent conversations with Sara I get the feeling that change is in the wind.CIDI

Accordingly, important events appear to me to be in the wind.WebCorp

This sort of sweetener came out of the bag, it certainly has heightened speculation that an early election may be in the wind. WebCorp 

be out of the woods

být v suchu

Your financial situation can improve, but you may have to wait until next year before you are entirely out of the woods. BNC

But Mr Major and his Government are not yet out of the woods. BNC 

The scheme is not out of the woods yet; and rather than break the law Maxen last week filled in the local VATman's registration form. BNC

be rained off

být odvolán kvůli dešti

His hockey match was rained off. CALD

Lanchester, who have been rained off in two matches this season, are at Ushaw Moor, while Sedgefield take on Tudhoe. BNC

Five cricket fans, refused a ticket refund when an England game was rained off, were celebrating a test case victory yesterday.  BNC

be soaked to the skin

promoknout na kůži

The rain was so heavy we were soaked to the skin after only ten minutes.CIDI

By the time he had reached the shelter of the station he was soaked to the skin. BNC

I was soaked to the skin, my hands so cold I could hardly keep hold of the tiller. BNC

be swamped with sth

být zavalen ( prací)

It had been swamped with work in the first months after the allowance's introduction. BNC

I felt swamped with liquefying despair, weak enough for tears. BCN

No wonder MI6 and the CIA had been swamped with material. BNC