úterý, 16. července 2024, 18.26
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLIMATE


ošlehaný větrem, poškozený vlivem povětrnosti

There he stood in the college chapel, grizzled and weather-beaten by harsh Canadian winters. BNC

He wore battle-dress green, slacks and sweater and his weather-beaten face glowed with satisfaction and well-being. BNC

Here the lane ended, and she found herself by the Green, facing the tiny weather-beaten church. BNC

wet blanket

morous, otrava, suchar

I don't want to be a wet blanket, but you really must play your music more quietly or you'll disturb the people next door. CIDI

They thought he was a middle aged wet blanket. BNC

Most of the older boys agreed with Jack and believed that Piggy was a middle-aged wet blanket because he always thought he knew best about everything. BNC

whirlwind event

blesková událost, akce, smršť

Well we need you to write, direct or act in this whirlwind event, and the best bit is you only need to give up 24 hours of your time. WebCorp

The first trip was in college and it was a whirlwind event of which I have not much recall.WebCorp

Parents Weekend can feel like a whirlwind event, but it is one that is rewarding for all. WebCorp 

whirlwind romance

náhlé milostné vzplanutí

It was a whirlwind romance, all right, and nobody could talk any sense into Freda. BNC

In 1966 she married German playboy Gunther Sachs, following a whirlwind romance. BNC

They had a whirlwind romance, and after a few months she'd started hinting for a ring. BNC

wind of change

náhlé rozsáhlé změny

Agriculture, too, felt the wind of change, with an agronomist, Rafael Cavestany, taking the ministerial place of the Falangist Carlos Reín. BCN

What made this work possible at this particular time was the wind of change that was sweeping across Europe. BNC

When the volume of work increased, as it did throughout central government, the wind of change hit the Lord Chancellor's Office with particular force because it started from such a tiny base. BNC


neočekávané peníze

I am confident that Eagle Star will use the windfall to build a sound and profitable future, he said. BNC 

Added to a £149 million windfall from a shares sale, that pushed profits up 27 per cent to £113 million last year. BNC

In Australia, where the rewards of publishing are even less, windfall gains to victims are highly unlikely. BNC

with bated breath

se zatajeným dechem

We were waiting with bated breath for the prizes to be announced.CIDI

'His name wasn't by any chance, Max Peters?' Helena asked with  bated breath.CIDI

Nutty waited with bated breath, not daring to look at Nails, trying to look bored and world-weary. BNC

wringing wet

mokrý, že by se dal ždímat

We got wringing wet that week and on the Sunday after the Spurs match, I just felt ill. BNC

My three-piece was wringing wet, but eventually I dried it out, and the rest I just bagged together. BNC

The lenses of my binocs were rain-smeared and blurry, but the cloth; actually a clean handkerchief ; was already wringing wet. BNC