úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.05
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLIMATE

be three sheets to the wind

být namol, opilý jako Dán

Bobby was already three sheets to the wind when we arrived. CIDI

When you look through the eyes of a sailor it's easy to see how someone who's had too much to drink is three sheets to the wind. WebCorp

When he left the bar, he was three sheets to the wind. WebCorp

be water under the bridge

nezaměnitelná minulost

We certainly had our disagreements in the past, but that's all water under the bridge now. CIDI

That was a long time ago, there's been a lot of water under the bridge, why not talk again ? BNC

But it's all water under the bridge for this season and Linfield must now concentrate on bridging the gap between themselves and their Danish visitors. BNC

be winded

mít vyražený dech

When I turned to look back at him after a short canter, he was winded and scared with barely enough strength to stay on his horse. BNC

Nearly everyone has been winded at some point in their sporting career. WebCorp

Marie felt her legs give way beneath her, she sat down on the edge of the pavement, feet in the gutter, doubled-up, sick and winded as if someone had punched her in the stomach. BNC

biting wind

řezavý, chladný vítr

Then she retreated into the entrance to the Metro out of the biting wind and opened it. BCN

I must find a telephone, Harriet thought, as she hurried, head bent against the biting wind, along the Paris street. BNC

The biting wind drove the snow before it, so that the whole dale seemed to be lost in a grey mist. BNC

black ice


The previous year her chief secretary had travelled home on black ice and thick snow. BNC

I hurried on, slipping on the black ice, cursing and praying, hammering at the doors I passed but I was so cold I could hardly cry out. BNC

Braking on black ice will cause a slight melting of the surface layer of the ice, producing a very thin layer of water. WebCorp

blast of air

proud vzduchu

An icy blast of air hit Dad full in the face, taking with it the matches, ash and fag-ends and strewing them over his head and chest. BNC

blast of air knocked him over but he managed to crawl through a tunnel under Euston Road. BNC

When they got outside, the early afternoon heat hit them like a blast of air from the Underground. BNC

blow hot and cold

kam vítr, tám pláštˇ

It's impossible to have a relationship with someone who blows hot and cold all the time. CIDI

Sophie kept blowing hot and cold about the idea of working abroad. CIDI

In our many dealings with the police we have found that they can blow hot and cold.  BNC

blue with cold

být zmodralý zimou

His eyes lit up when he saw the fire, for his hands were blue with cold. BNC

Doug emerges from the cabin looking blue with cold. BNC

We, the young graduate law-abiding wives of the thirties, cried ourselves as our babies went blue with cold…BNC

blustery day

bouřlivý, větrný den

This required little other than turning up in Edgware wearing white on a somewhat blustery day.  BNC

Spectators on a blustery day not far from The Wash were rewarded for their dedication. BNC

Even when the line on the barograph shows no sign of an upturn and forecasts a wet, cold, blustery day? BNC

boiling hot

strašné horko

The force of the blast was such that skylights were blown in, and boiling hot mud and ashes rained down on those below decks, killing many and scalding others. BNC

He talked about Hell being a boiling hot lake full of venomous serpents. BNC

I'd gone stone cold but felt boiling hot. BNC

bone dry


More likely the net was carried away because the ground was bone dry and hard and I hadn't been able to push the stakes deep enough into the soil. BNC

To get away with it at all, the wines must be bone dry, so that there's no food (ie sugar) for any possible remaining bugs. BNC

The Wey springs have failed in Alton this year leaving the river bed bone dry, the frogs still return. BNC

brass monkey weather

mrzne, až praští (velmi chladné počasí)

It's brass monkey weather today, isn't it!  (The Free Dictionary)

It’s minus one degree Celsius, in what meteorologists describe as "brass monkey weather" in Queenstown. (Goole)

I hope you don't freeze - it's still brass monkey weather here. (Google)

break the ice

prolomit ledy

If you've just moved to a new area a good way to break the ice for you and your child is a parent and toddler group. BNC

It was imperative to come here quickly, break the ice and get that acceptance. BNC

A personal conversation, a telephone call or a letter may be all that is necessary to break the ice and start the work of reconciliation. BNC

bright and sunny

jasno a slunečno

The modern bedrooms are bright and sunny and all the twins have balconies and private bathrooms. BNC

The day was bright and sunny, but in the wood the light was dim and everything was still and silent. BNC

It's so bright and sunny out there you forget that it's so cold as well. BNC

bright spark


The growers appeared to be facing ruin until one bright spark hit on an idea. BNC

should have realised that genius, as some bright spark in the office said, has a lot to do with genes. BNC

So some bright spark produced small tasty jam-filled doughnuts and said they were the missing holes. BNC